Hi Baby Rose,
Your Daddy finally felt you move for the first time yesterday morning! We were spooning before getting up for work in the morning. He had his hand on my belly. He usually knocks on my belly to say hi to you. I told him that you like loving rubs better. So he finally did that and you gave a little kick back! It was too sweet.
You are still the wrong way baby Rose! I'm not sure if my hips are too tight or what, but you still do not seem to be head down. We are worried that we will have to do an external version, which is when the midwife will push on my tummy to try and move you. It is only successful 65% of the time. If we can't get you to turn you will have to come out via a c-section. I would love to know exactly when you will come out! But, a c-section would require more healing. So I hope I am able to birth you the normal way. I am visiting a chiropractor on Friday to help try some other methods prior to the external version. If you have not turned the correct way by Monday 10-7 we will have to get a sonogram, and likely go through with the external version.
You are almost 32 weeks along! Only 8 more weeks until we get to meet you ;).
We went to a baptism class on Monday to learn more about that process. We are hoping to baptize you on Sunday December 1st.
Love you baby Rose!
- Mommy
Your Daddy finally felt you move for the first time yesterday morning! We were spooning before getting up for work in the morning. He had his hand on my belly. He usually knocks on my belly to say hi to you. I told him that you like loving rubs better. So he finally did that and you gave a little kick back! It was too sweet.
You are still the wrong way baby Rose! I'm not sure if my hips are too tight or what, but you still do not seem to be head down. We are worried that we will have to do an external version, which is when the midwife will push on my tummy to try and move you. It is only successful 65% of the time. If we can't get you to turn you will have to come out via a c-section. I would love to know exactly when you will come out! But, a c-section would require more healing. So I hope I am able to birth you the normal way. I am visiting a chiropractor on Friday to help try some other methods prior to the external version. If you have not turned the correct way by Monday 10-7 we will have to get a sonogram, and likely go through with the external version.
You are almost 32 weeks along! Only 8 more weeks until we get to meet you ;).
We went to a baptism class on Monday to learn more about that process. We are hoping to baptize you on Sunday December 1st.
Love you baby Rose!
- Mommy