Wednesday, September 18, 2013

First Feeling and Breech

Hi Baby Rose,

Your Daddy finally felt you move for the first time yesterday morning! We were spooning before getting up for work in the morning.  He had his hand on my belly.  He usually knocks on my belly to say hi to you.  I told him that you like loving rubs better.  So he finally did that and you gave a little kick back! It was too sweet.

You are still the wrong way baby Rose! I'm not sure if my hips are too tight or what, but you still do not seem to be head down.  We are worried that we will have to do an external version, which is when the midwife will push on my tummy to try and move you.  It is only successful 65% of the time.   If we can't get you to turn you will have to come out via  a c-section.  I would love to know exactly when you will come out! But, a c-section would require more healing.  So I hope I am able to birth you the normal way.  I am visiting a chiropractor on Friday to help try some other methods prior to the external version.  If you have not turned the correct way by Monday 10-7 we will have to get a sonogram, and likely go through with the external version.

You are almost 32 weeks along! Only 8 more weeks until we get to meet you ;).

We went to a baptism class on Monday to learn more about that process.  We are hoping to baptize you on Sunday December 1st.

Love you baby Rose!

- Mommy

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Only 9 weeks to go! Almost 31 weeks, wrong side up

Dear Baby Rose,

You seem to be growing and have been a lot more active lately.  I have had some allergy and head cold issues in the last week or two. That made sleeping very difficult last week.  I even ended up taking some Tylenol and sudafed to help ease my symptoms.  I am still dealing with a lot of drainage.  You were VERY active when I was taking those medications.  I appreciated the knowledge that you were doing well.

I had an appointment with our normal midwife Jill Dolberg on Tuesday of last week.  You are growing well.  My tummy is on target at 30 cm.  The last time we went you were laying across my belly.  Now you might be sitting with your head up, which is no good! You are supposed to be head down.  If you don't turn by 36 weeks we will have to do some exercises to get you to turn.  If that doesn't work we will do an aversion where they will push on my tummy to try and get you to move. We might also have to do a cesarean if you never end up turning.  I just want you to be safe, and stay in there until you are ready to come out! It gives me a lot of peace to know that you would be alright even if you were born now.  Baby Rhys (my best friend Shea's baby) was born in Ireland on August 26th.  He was 31 weeks along.  He is doing very well now.

The weekend

This last weekend your Noni came to town.  She is working on a quilt for you.  We went and found some more fabrics for the quilt.  It will have some fabrics from the wedding ring quilt that she made for your dad and I when we got married.  We went to a few garage sales, and the International Quilting Study Center at UNL.  We had some frozen yogurt at Kelly's yogurt too.

Exercising and Aches/Pains

I have been doing pretty well walking around your neighborhood 4-5 times three times a week.  I usually try to do the 5 unless I start having pain.  Some days my back is very sore.  It seems to be better if I did my walking in the morning.  My ribs have been quite sore.  My weight is about 149 pounds right now.  Definitely the most I have ever weighed! My face and arms are pretty much the same.  I have some fluid/fat in my legs, and hips. They have definitely grown.

Movement and Patterns

I read somewhere that you are awake for an hour, then sleep for an hour at this stage.  I think that is true.  If I wake up in the night it can be hard to get back to sleep if you are during one of your waking times.  There is always an active time in the afternoons before and after lunch.  I don't feel as many kicks now.   It is mostly just your head poking up through my tummy sometimes.


Only 65 days until you get here! I am so excited to meet you.  I am still worried that I don't know what life will be like.  But I know we will love you and find a new normal.  Your daddy went on a motor cycle trip last week.  I made him write a letter to you in case something happened to him. Thank the Lord, he safely returned.  He is in Fort Worth this week for training.  He has one more trip before you come.  He is going to a friend's wedding in St. Louis the week of your baby shower.  After that, we will be ready for you!

Love you Baby Rose!
