On Sunday you were four months old!
Here's an update on you!
You weigh almost 15 pounds! 14 pounds 15 ounces to be exact. You are in the 67th percentile for weight. You are officially in size 2 diapers full time now. Your clothes all have to be at least 3 - 6 months now. I am trying to weed out the 3 months things now. Most of them are too tight.
We still feed you every three hours during the day right now. They are ideally at 7, 10, 1, 4, 7, and 9:30 or 10. You were getting 5 ounces until yesterday, when we increased it to 6 ounces. You have not had any solid food yet, but we are meeting with the doctor today. We might be able to start giving you rice cereal. While we were in Kansas City we had our last nursing session. You were having a hard time nursing since you have been sick. We made it almost 4 months! I think that is legit :).
You have had a lot of drainage and coughing for at least a month now. I hate it. But, the doctor says that you are fine as long as you are not having a hard time breathing or running a fever. You have not had issues breathing, except when you are coughing and something gets caught in your throat.
You should be in your pack and play more, but you seem to sleep better with me and your dad. I usually have you sleep with me when your dad is working. We just make sure you are above all of the covers and not right next to our pillows. There is a bit of controversy about the "family bed". We try to have you sleep in your pack and play when your daddy is at home.
You normally sleep from 10 until 5 am. You were back to waking up from 2 to 4 am recently, until we started giving you 6 ounces. Yesterday you took 6 ounces very well, and have done well today so far.
We put you in a sleep sac overnight, rather than giving you your own blankets.
Last Sunday you really started sitting up on your own. It didn't last long, but you're trying! You can also stand quite well when someone gives you stability. You are putting many things into your mouth. You do not like to hang out flat on your back, you like to be up seeing what is going on. The Bumbo chair is helpful in the kitchen so you can be up on the counter seeing what I am doing. We also decided to buy a bouncy chair with things that hang down, and that keeps you busy. You like to kick your legs and make your bouncy seat move. You are starting to try and hold your bottle.
You flail your arms quite a bit, so people have to watch out! You also have a very good grip. You use it to hold people's finger while they feed you AND to pull hair! I have to wear my hair up quite a bit these days to keep it away from you
Sickness and Maladies
You have had a cough and drainage since around February 20th. We took you to the doctor that week, and he said you had good oxygen levels. So, we just keep an eye on it to be sure you don't have a fever or a hard time breathing. Your breathing is fine unless you get something caught in your throat while you are coughing. Your face is much less red and not as try. Your forehead still has some odd things going on, so I try to put Mary Kay botanical moisturizer and Aquaphor on it.
You definitely still have reflux. Your daddy forgot to give you your medicine (Ranitidine I think it is) the other night, and the next day you definitely threw up more than normal. As long as you have your medicine you don't throw up often. You do occasionally in the evening. The Dr. said we could give you 1/2 of your normal dose in the evening and then the rest at bed time if we want. We have not tried that with you yet.
We still have to be careful to check your neck for milk and slobber. Your neck sometimes is totally clear and other times has the red areas again, so we put more A&D ointment on them.
You like to scratch the areas on your head behind your ears. There is a small sore behind your left ear. We will ask the doctor about it. We have tried putting a benadryl creme on it, but it is a bit difficult because you would touch it and then put your hands in your mouth.
I worked from Kansas City for a week while your dad was doing training (Feb 24 - 28). You had your first swim while we were there!
You are becoming your own little person. You are usually in a very good mood. You do like to be moving though, and you do INSIST on eating every 3 hours. You smile at everyone very easily. You have ticklish feet and you love to be touched and to touch others. You will rub your face on blankets. You are like your daddy and are very tactile. You will rest your hand on people and occasionally try to give them a pat.
My journey
I am still working on losing weight. I have a hard time sticking to a good diet these days. I will do good for a few days and then regress a bit. I am under 130 now, but just barely. I need to lose 15 pounds by the end of April or end of May for a few trips that we have coming up!