Monday, April 28, 2014

First Foods, Travel, almost 6 months

Dear Baby Rose,

You had your first real foods yesterday (aside from rice cereal).  You at squash! You did very well and ate it all.  We just got back into town from Texas.  You got to meet your Daddy's grandma and all of his side of the family.

You were such a good traveler.  You did not like being in your car seat very long towards the end.  You were held by SOOO many people while we were in Texas.  You did not have ANY melt downs while we were busy with so many people.  I think you like a busy house.  Once we went to Fort Worth and it was just your Ummuchi and Uppachen and us you had your normal fits when you get tired and don't want to sleep, or you are hungry.  You are a very good baby otherwise.


You are sitting up quite well on your own now.  You are still a bit wobbly, but on someone's lap you can hold yourself up straight.  You are trying to crawl.  You move across the floor pushing off with your legs and resting on your head! You can also hold up your head and upper body in a "King Cobra" pose.  I'm sure you will be able to put it all together soon.  You are enjoying rolling around on the floor more now.  We can put some rattle toys down for you and you will play with them.  You babble quite a bit now.  You have started making sounds like mamama.  I am just waiting for you to say "Mama" and that's it" :).


You are such a happy baby (most of the time), especially in the mornings.  You smile quite a bit now and have started laughing at time. It is the sweetest and most pure sound.


You have been quite a bit more healthy since you took amoxxicilim before we left for Texas.  You had it for 10 days.  You still have a bit of congestion, but it is definitely not as bad.


We have started putting you to bed in your crib now.  You often wake up lightly crying around 3 or 4, and we bring you into bed with u.

You are such a precious gift! I am so thankful that God sent you to us.

Love you,


Saturday, April 12, 2014

5 months

Baby Rose! I cannot believe that you turned 5 months told this week! Time has really flown by.  You have quite a few nicknames now.  The new favorite is "Poncho Rojo".  You are quite slobbery these days, so we have started putting cloth bibs, or ponchos as your daddy likes to call them, on you all the time so your outfits are not soaked.


You are still eating 6 ounces at a time of your bottle.  But, we are also giving you rice cereal twice a day also.  Last night you actually ate 3 ounces of rice cereal.  You were still a mess, but quite a bit of it got into your tummy!


You have started "talking" quite a bit more lately.  You even yell some, especially while you are waiting for bites of cereal.  You sound like a taradactal or some animal!  You are holding up your head very well now, and trying to push up.  You can even scoot yourself across the floor a bit.


You have started sleeping in your crib in the last week or so.  I still bring you into to bed with me if you start crying and your dad is working.

You did have your first "incident" at daycare this week.  A two your old little boy bit you! The marks are still there right now.  Luckily he did not break the skin.

My fitness/weight

I am within 3 pounds of my weight just before I had you! That was still a few pounds over where I wanted to be. So, I still consider myself as having 8 pounds to lose.  I don't think that's too bad though.  I am trying to be more active.  I have found some good yoga videos on youtube that I like.  This one is especially good