I have been addicted to Disney movies lately. I have been watching Beauty and the Beast the most. I love it! Disney movies help me to remember the goodness that is in the world, and that we can all overcome difficult things.
Only 210 days until I can watch these movies with you! It is odd to think that at this time next year we will have a baby that is five months old! I think often about how our lives will change. We need to find a good daycare option! You will be so precious to us, so I am sure it will be hard.
I have been able to work out the last two nights finally! I have been so nauseous and parts of me sore, that it was not fun to jog at all for awhile. It's very odd how I am never hungry. But if I wait too long to eat, I feel nauseous. I am now 10 weeks along. I am weighing between 123 and 125 pounds. I weighed 119 in November. But, I gained a few pounds over Christmas that I never lost! So I have gained maybe a pound or two since you were conceived.

Image from here.
So what will we do with you when you are five months old?
This link at BabyCenter talks about spoon feeding cereal to babies to get them ready for normal eating, or making faces at the baby because they are so good at focusing on faces. What to Expect talks about how you will understand at 5 months that objects still exist when you can't see them. So you will like to play peek-a-boo and find hidden things. You might even like drinking from cups and be starting to eat solid foods rather than just breast milk or formula!
This page from WebMD talks about how you will be able to sit up with the help of a boppy or blanket, and might try to start crawling.
This blog post talks about what our schedule might be like when you are five months old! You will be taking a morning and afternoon nap. You will hopefully be sleeping through the night, or maybe getting up for one feeding.
I can't wait to meet you little bird! We have started calling you cuthie (this apparently means baby or child in Malyalam the language in Southern India where your grandparents are from).
Love, Momma
Only 210 days until I can watch these movies with you! It is odd to think that at this time next year we will have a baby that is five months old! I think often about how our lives will change. We need to find a good daycare option! You will be so precious to us, so I am sure it will be hard.
I have been able to work out the last two nights finally! I have been so nauseous and parts of me sore, that it was not fun to jog at all for awhile. It's very odd how I am never hungry. But if I wait too long to eat, I feel nauseous. I am now 10 weeks along. I am weighing between 123 and 125 pounds. I weighed 119 in November. But, I gained a few pounds over Christmas that I never lost! So I have gained maybe a pound or two since you were conceived.
Image from here.
So what will we do with you when you are five months old?
This link at BabyCenter talks about spoon feeding cereal to babies to get them ready for normal eating, or making faces at the baby because they are so good at focusing on faces. What to Expect talks about how you will understand at 5 months that objects still exist when you can't see them. So you will like to play peek-a-boo and find hidden things. You might even like drinking from cups and be starting to eat solid foods rather than just breast milk or formula!
This page from WebMD talks about how you will be able to sit up with the help of a boppy or blanket, and might try to start crawling.
This blog post talks about what our schedule might be like when you are five months old! You will be taking a morning and afternoon nap. You will hopefully be sleeping through the night, or maybe getting up for one feeding.
I can't wait to meet you little bird! We have started calling you cuthie (this apparently means baby or child in Malyalam the language in Southern India where your grandparents are from).
Love, Momma