Dear Baby Rose,
I can feel you moving a lot more now! You are active in the mornings, just before I get out of bed. I can often feel you in the morning and afternoon while I am working. The movements do not hurt at all. They are just little jolts and flutters. Your Daddy still hasn't felt them. I think his hands aren't as sensitive. I hope that as you get bigger he will be able to! Although, I know at that point your kicks and movement might be a bit more uncomfortable for me!
I have still been able to walk on the treadmill several times a week.
I am 26 weeks along now! That is 6.5 months. It's hard to believe you have been with me that long. At the same time, it seems like a long time.
I have been finding many cute little outfits for you at garage sales lately. They are so much cheaper than at the stores, and still in perfect shape! You have quite a lot of clothes all ready! We also have some diapers for you. We have size 1 and size 3. Daddy is betting that you won't need size 2 because there is quite a bit of overlap!
I put up some very cute decals in your room of giraffes, elephants, and a tree that we will use to measure how tall you are!
We are still praying for family and friends quite a bit. Your Auntie Shea in Ireland has been in the hospital for a few weeks now. She is leaking amniotic fluid. Her baby seems to be making more, but they have to monitor her and the baby very carefully to be sure an infection does not develop and that the baby is growing well.
I found this post about how small your tummy will be when you are born! No wonder you will need to eat every 2 hours in the beginning!

We love you baby Rose!
- Mommy
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