Sunday, December 29, 2013

Almost 2 months

What you're up to

You like to try and push up on your feet when we hold you.  When I nurse you, you do the cutest thing where you move your hand across my chest.  You can sometimes be very wiggly while I am nursing you.  I wonder if it is because you are not getting enough.  I am totally fine nursing you twice a day. You eat about 6 times a day at this point. So I would like to nurse you at least three of those times so that you are getting 1/2 of your food from me.

You have had a rash on your face for a few weeks now.  It sometimes makes your skin quite red.  Now the redness has subsided for the most part, but your skin on your face is very dry and rough.  We put Aquaphor on your face once a day.  You started developing cradle cap earlier this week.  Your Auntie and Uncle came to take care of you Thursday and they bathed you and tried baby oil.  I used Coconut oil based on Dr. Stone (the chripractor)'s suggestion that baby oil could not be absorbed by the skin.  It is looking much better now.

You are awake quite a bit more during the day.  You were quite fussy during the day for a few weeks.  You had your first full chiropractic adjustment on Friday.  On Saturday during the day you were quite a bit more content.  You have also started making sweet baby noises and talking to us.  You will often look people in the eyes when they hold you and talk to you.  You like to stare at our fans.  I am not sure you can see that far away though.  I joke that you are staring at your guardian angel.

What you like

You still love to be bounced.  That is often what you want when you cry.  Sometimes you just want to be held.  Sometimes you are content to be awake in the swing.  It sometimes helps you get to sleep.  You love your soothie pacifier.  It will often halt your crying unless you are very hungry.  You also like vibrating.


We try to give you your last feed around 10 pm.  You usually will go until around 4 am if it is a bottle feeding.  Last night I nursed you, so you only made it to 2 am.  On a normal night you will then go from 4 am until 8 am or so.  I am supposed to get up at 7 am to go with our schedule (7am, 10 am, 1 pm, 4 pm, 7pm, 10 pm, and as long as possible at night).

Since Joshy's mom stayed with us for a few weeks, you have been sleeping in bed with us.  She had you sleep up high on her pillow next to her head.  I had a hard time with that because you would slide down or roll a bit.  I have had you sleeping in the brown boppee pillow.  It works quite well.


You have been taking your Xantac now for a few weeks.  I have noticed your reflux doing better, especially at night.  We give you your Xantac before bed.  We had been just putting it into your mouth.  But it tastes and smells bad.  Your Noni had a good idea to put it in 1 ounce of formula, so we have been doing that since Christmas Eve.  It has been working well.

After going to KC for Christmas you started developing some congestion. I have done steaming with you a few times.  That is from my Natural Remedies book.  It involves boiling water and adding tea tree oil, peppermint, and eucalyptis.  I put the towel over the two of us for a bit.  I have also put you in your bouncy seat next to the stove so you breathe in the steam for a bit. This seems to have helped some.  We also have been using a humidifier in our room at night.

eating and pooping

You usually have 1 poop a day.  You will often blow out you outfit if we do not catch it quickly.  You had been eating 3 oz at each feed.  In the last day or two we have gone up to 3.5 or 4 oz at a feed.

My Health

I gained about 1 pound over the Christmas holidays due to the tasty Christmas cookies etc.  So I was 134.4 when I weighed myself the other day.  I am now officially back to Weight Watchers Points Plus! We will see how it goes.  I was able to work out last night, and once earlier this week.  It is a bit harder with you around. I hope to lose 10 - 15 pounds.

I am quite healed otherwise.  I feel like myself, aside from my tummy area.  There is still a bit of extra skin and fat.

Here are a few cute pics of you lately!

This was your first time wearing a bow!

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Kansas City

My Cousin Kelli and her daugther Kami have been living with your Noni and Grandpa.  Kami was a bit sick so  I was afraid of us staying there.  Your grandpa has also been sick with bronchitis.  They assured me that the house had been well cleaned.  So, we went down there on Friday December 20th.  You only woke up 1 time on the trip.  Your grandpa took some pictures of you.

We had Christmas with my Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Royce, and Aunt Cindy, Kelli, Kami, and Noni and grandpa on Saturday morning.  We then had food and hung out the rest of the day.  There was some ice coming down.  We had thought about taking you to see the plaza lights.

On Sunday morning we went to my grandma's church and met her friends.  We then went to her house for some lunch.  We had very tasty brisket and ham.  Then we went to my dad Phil's house for you to meet him, Maribeth, and my little sisters Nicole and Natalie.  You also met my Aunt Ceci.  They all spoiled you with presents. You were very good on our drive home and did not wake up at all! You did have a blow out though, so I gave you a bath as soon as we got home.


We came home on Sunday December 22nd because your Daddy was off.  We spent some time with him on Monday and Tuesday.  Your Noni and Grandpa came up for Christmas on Christmas Eve.  We went to our church St. Joseph's on Christmas eve for the 4:30 service.  We got there at 3:45 and the the place was packed! We had to sit in the hallway area where they had set up chairs.  We may have to get there at 3:30 next year.  Your Auntie Daisy and Uncle Kevin went to mass with us too.  We then came home to a Christmas dinner of tasty soups, sweet potatoes, and ham.  Your daddy opened presents because had to go to work at 4 am on Christmas day.

On Christmas Day we got up early and made breakfast for your Noni and Grandpa.  We watched some Christmas movies.  We finally got around to presents in the afternoon . We ate lots of Christmas cookies! That is why I am on a diet now :).

What a great first Christmas with you!  You were a very good traveler.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

1 month

I can't believe you're one month old now! We are about 1/2 breastfeeding, 1/2 formula.  For some reason I have not been able to pump.  I don't seem to be able to "let down" for the pump.  We have been giving you 3 oz of formula at a time.  We are trying to do a schedule of every 3 hours during the day and 4 at night (or as long as you will sleep :)).  You have had some "reflux" issues where it sounds like you are spitting up, but you swallow it again.  Apparently we were feeding you too much!  The doctor does think you might have some reflux so we are going to give you some medications.  Hopefully we will only have to give it to you until you are 4 months old and can start having rice cereal and pureed big people foods.

You will usually sleep for usually at least one 4 - 5 hour stretch a night now.  Luckily your ummuchi has been in town to watch you during the week until daycare starts.  She has even taken the nights during the week! So, I am pretty well rested right now.

We took you to the doctor today.  You are 10 pounds 5.5 ounces.  You are 22 inches long.  You are in the 87% percentile for your height and weight! You're a pretty healthy baby girl.  You are able to hold your head up for longer periods of time.  You can turn your head from side to side when you do tummy time.

You really love bath time! You don't cry at all during the bath...just afterwards when we have to dry you have.  You just started into your size 1 diapers too!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving and Week 4

I can't believe you're already 3 weeks old plus baby Rose! Your reflux seems to be getting a bit better.  We have been trying to keep you close to 2 ounces when we feed you formula. Breast feeding is going well.  It is still a bit painful at times.  As of now we are doing at least half of your feedings as breast feedings.  I still have not been able to get the breast pump to work.

But, my nipples are in good shape.  You are still a bit fussy in the mornings.  You are still sleeping most of the time.  Yesterday you had your first bout with baby acne! I think it might have had something to do with the chrism oil they used at your baptism.

You got to meet your daddy's parents! They were so excited to meet you.


My grandparents, your Noni and Grandpa, cousin Kelli and Kami all came to stay with us from Thanksgiving through your baptism which was on Sunday 12-1.  We had a great time bonding.  Everyone loved holding you and taking care of you.  It was so nice having everyone in the house all together.  Your Ummuchi and Uppachen also came into town last Wednesday, as well as Auntie Dainy.  All of your dad's family came over to the house most of the 4 days too.  So we had a full house! We really enjoyed it though.

Fitness and Health

I was down to 135 pounds as of before Thanksgiving.  I am not sure what it is now! There was a lot of good food over Thanksgiving.  I was able to walk 3 miles before all of the family came.  I have not walked any since then though.  I have been trying to sit up straight and do some ab tightening.  My abs, and especially my lower abs, have so much more flabbiness now!  It is all worth it to have you ;).  But I do wonder if my abs will ever look the same.  Not that they were wonderful before, but I would like to get some of this flab gone.  It is not healthy to have fat there.  I came across an interesting article about fitness.  I need to be sure to teach you that it is good to be strong and healthy.  Working out should be fun.  Part of the goal should be health at least.


It has been a bit tough to not have real maternity leave.  I had to get an item on file the day we came home from the hospital with you! I have had a few actual work days now for meetings.  I am heading back to BNI next week.  I do miss you while I am away from you. But, I find that I enjoy my work and my professional relationships.  My work helps me treasure and enjoy the time that we do have together.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Week 2 and start of Week 3

Week 2

We had our first day with just you and me! Daddy had to go back to work.  I missed him so much! It was great spending time with just the three of us.

Breastfeeding started going much better.  My nipples were healed and my milk seemed to come in.  I still have not been able to pump any milk though.  I seem to have a very strong letdown that you are able to get through.

We went to the doctor about your indigestion/reflux.  You make throat clearing noises a lot.  We were worried the acid was hurting you! We met with our neighbor Dr. Althouse.  He let us know that we are only supposed to be feeding you 2 ounces at a time right now! We had been breastfeeding you PLUS giving you 2 ounces, or juts giving you 3 - 4 ounces of formula.

Week 3
 This week you have been a bit more cranky!  We are still trying to figure you out.  You seem to really like being walked and bounced.

So far you have been sleeping for a few longer stretches at night (from 10 pm through 3:15 last night).  You were sleeping on my chest though.  I have a hard time leaving you sleeping on your back.  You make weird noises clearing your through.  Soon I will just have to put you on your back or side though!

Your daddy thinks maybe you are allergic to milk.  So I guess I have to give up milk for awhile and see if that helps your indigestion at all.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Birth Story

Dear baby Rose,

I am holding you in my lap right now as I type this.  You are such a sweet baby.  I thought this day would never come.  Here is our birth and labor story.

Things Get Started

You did make it though, and a few days early! You were due to be born yesterday 11-14.  You were born instead on Saturday November 9th.  I actually had a lot of contractions on Friday November 8th, but they never became regular.  On Saturday morning about 2 am they started becoming more painful.  I started timing them.  They finally got closer together and were about 3 - 4 minutes apart by around 6 am.  We were taking our time getting ready to head to the hospital.  We knew it would still be awhile before you came. Your daddy sure took his time making special tea with almond seemed to take him at least 20 minutes! We were lucky that you had started your entry into the world early that morning, so he was able to call into work and be with me all of that day.

The Hospital 

We arrived at the hospital (Saint Elizabeth's in Lincoln, NE) around 6:30 AM.  Unfortunately I was only 1 - 2 cm dilated.  I needed to make it to 10 for you to come! They told me that they would call my midwife but I would likely need to go home to labor there unless I progressed a bit.  Your dad went to run an errand and I started walking the halls of the 4th floor of St. Elizabeth's Hospital.  I would slow down and stop when a contraction came, and kept track of when they were coming, how long they were lasting, and how far apart they were.  Luckily after an hour of walking the floors we made it to 4 cm dilated! We got to stay!

Things Get Real

I had hoped not to get an epidural for various reasons.  But, I knew that I could change my mind.  Joshy was a very good helper once things got going.  The contractions got to be fairly painful from 5 - 6.  We would stand and I would lean on a table in the room.  He would massage my back, or use a massage truck we found out about in our labor and delivery (Lamaze) class through St. Elizabeth's.   Here is a link to one option you can find through Amazon.

I started to feel a lot of pain, and was re-considering my decision on not getting an epidural.  Joshy suggested we try the birthing jacuzzi tub in the birthing suite.  We got that filled up and I got in.  We went through quite a few contractions in there.  It did help slightly but the contractions were getting much stronger.  I was definitely not able to just relax my way through them and "go to a happy place."  I got very scared about dealing with many more hours of this.  We decided to go ahead with the epidural.

Around 4:30 your Auntie Daisy and Uncle Kevin came to the hospital.  Uncle Kevin wanted to give us privacy.  But it was so nice to see Auntie Daisy.  They went to church then, because they had to work the next day.

My midwife (Jill Dolberg) was out of town that weekend, so one of her associates Carol came in to evaluate me.  She had stopped in a few times as I was laboring.  I was at 7.5, and I really wanted the pain to go down.  The anesthesiologist did a good job.  It seemed to take a bit to get all of the fluid in me that I needed.  But I was SO happy to be in no pain.  Luckily my contractions continued to come quite closer together.  A few hours later by 7 pm I was ready to push and was at 10 cm dilated.   Around 7:30 we officially started pushing.  Around this time your Auntie Daisy came by again.  She and your daddy were great helpers coaching me through pushes.  We moved positions often and tried to get as many good pushes out of each contraction as we could.  My epidural had worn off some, so I was able to move myself.  We tried getting on my hands and knees.  By this point your heart rate was dipping a bit during pushing.  So we would push only on every other contraction.  My contractions were very close together.

Labor and pushing seemed to be going well but you got stuck in the birth canal. After 2.5 hours of pushing your heart rate was not doing well when we would push.  And you were not moving.  So we decided to head into the surgery room to see if they could do a vacuum assisted delivery, or do a c-section. Unfortunately you were so high up still a vaccum would not help. We didn't want to do any damage to your head!  Your Auntie Daisy said our doctor back up to midwife would do a good job.  His name was Doctor Gregory Heidrick.  I have to say that I agree with her thoughts.

I was praying very hard that you and I both would come out of this safely.

The c-section process was very odd.  I could still feel and move  my toes just before the surgery. I kept asking them if that was ok.  I did NOT want to feel them cut into me.  Your daddy was standing right next to me holding my hand.  He wanted to stand up to see the action though! It was a very odd feeling when they took you out, and some of my other organs! Your daddy said they took out the uterus to stitch it up.  And it was the size of a basketball! I felt pressure and pain even in my chest.  Your daddy said they were messing with things all the way up there.  My arms and legs were strapped down during the surgery.

I cried when they pulled you out and I heard you crying.  I praised GOD and thanked him for our safety.  I asked your daddy if you were ok and he said you were.  They cut the cord and measured you. You were 8 pounds 11 ounces! Then, you pooped, TWICE.

Your Auntie Daisy was there after the surgery too.  They put you on my chest in the recovery room and you started nursing.  I could not even hold you on my chest I was so tired.  Auntie Daisy and the nurse helped though.

 The c-section was a success. They gave me a binder thing I have been wearing ever since the surgery. It has really helped things move back into place. The incision has healed very nicely. Nothing has come out for several days now. I am starting to feel like myself again! 

So that is how you got here! We are so thankful that you are healthy and here.  Praise the Lord!

First diaper change without crying! - Week 1

You were born on Saturday November 9th at 10:23 pm.  You were 8 pounds 11 ounces! That is pretty big for a person with narrow hips like me.  I had to have a c-section.  You can read our labor and birth post here.

In the Hospital (Sunday, Monday, and part of Tuesday)

The first few days in the hospital went pretty well.  We started working on breastfeeding.  You did very well.  I used lanolin to protect my nipples.  Then, the last night at the hospital (Monday night) you started wanting to feed more often.  I believe they call this cluster feeding.


On Tuesday we headed home from the hospital.  You were down to 7 pounds __ ounces.   When we got home we noticed Uncle Kevin had made a welcome home banner with sweet graphics and crepe paper.  I will have to add a picture of that.

Unfortunately I had taken on a project that needed to be filed with the court on Tuesday. So Tuesday was not a good day.  I was stressed out about getting home to get the filing done.  That day my stress must have affected you.  My nipples ended up getting torn up, so feeding you became very painful.  We did have an appointment set up at Lincoln, OBGYN with Dr. Anderson (a lactation specialist) to work on breast feeding for Wednesday.  Your Auntie Shea in Ireland made a call to me to see how you were doing.  I got the filing done.  But, it was a stressful day.  Adding to the stress, the breastfeeding was not going well.  I was feeling a lot of pressure to feed you all on my own.  That first time home was quite rough.  We put your moses basket on the floor in our room.  It was not fun crawling down on the floor with my incision.  It also was not fun laying flat or getting out of bed.  So I decided to take you downstairs and stay in the livingroom.  Sleeping on the cough worked well.  I could sleep sitting up.  As you woke up through the night it became clear my nipples were a mess.  I was afraid this was happening because you were hungry and not getting enough to eat.  My milk had not fully come in yet.  You were 3 days old at this point.  So I decided to give you some Similac formula the company had sent us.  I tried pumping a few times to keep my supply up, but nothing came out! The third time pumping a tiny bit of colostrum came out.  Around 4:30 I had to take you to your daddy because I was worn out.  He took care of you the rest of the night.


On Wednesday we made our first trip out into the world.  We went to see Dr. Anderson.  We found out that you had gained some wait, but it might have just been the formula.  Then we did a feed at the appointment.  You fed for about 30 minutes and did get 1 ounce of milk out!  So I was encouraged that you were getting milk out, even if our breast pump could not get anything.  We got a prescription for "triple nipple" cream.  It has neosporin, anti-fungal, and antibiotic elements.  This is supposed to help avoid mastitis and other infections due to the open wounds.  I tried this  and then we fed you with formula most of the rest of the day.  I did try a few feeds, but they were quite painful.

Your daddy has been so helpful.  He had changed most of your diapers up to this point at the hospital and at home.

On Wednesday night I was sleeping on the couch to be with you, but my uterus started contracting and I felt chilled and sweaty.  So, your daddy took you most of the night.  I took over about 4:30 a.m.


On Thursday we tried feeding with a nipple shield, and pumping.  You did feed for about 15 minutes with the nipple shield and were quite satisfied.  I also tried pumping.  Unfortunately I got NOTHING and there was also breast tissue in the pump.  It had got nothing out and damaged my nipple.  So I was quite annoyed.

Your Auntie Daisy and Uncle Kevin came over to spend some time with you.  They brought over breakfast casserole that was quite tasty.  They loved holding you while you slept.  Uncle Kevin is so good with you.

I had an appointment for breastfeeding, but Dr. Anderson was out of the office.  So we met with a Nurse Practitioner.  She checked you over.  You had gained 2 ounces since Wednesday.   She said we must be doing things right for you to gain weight like that.  We then had a feeding and you gained .5 ounce, but you also peed.  So you might have actually gained another ounce.  I decided to give my breasts a break and we fed you with formula the rest of the day for the most part.

Through all of this you have been such a good baby! You only cry when there is something wrong.  We actually had to start checking your diaper more often than when you cry because we were worried that you were getting a diaper rash.

I slept upstairs with your dad, and you were in the pack and play.  We tried to get you settled in around 1:30, that was not happening.  Your dad took you so that I could get some sleep.


Your daddy  brought you back at 3:30 or 4:30.  Around 4:30 you started moving around.  I went and changed you and tried to feed you with the nipple shield.  Unfortunately there was quite a bit of blood in the shield! This was with my left breast.  You still fed for 20 minutes and then slept for 4 hours.  You obviously got some good nourishment.  I decided to wait a few days to try on my left again.  I might try with my right again today.  We will see if I end up using a shield, or just my breast.

Today you had your first bath.  You actually didn't cry too much! We had to wash your hair, as you have so much of it.  You also had your first diaper change, after your bath, that you did not cry during! We had a good day.  Generally you would cry every time we would change your diaper.  I started putting one of the small spit up rags over your tummy when we change you to keep you warm.

Here is you all bundled up after your first bath!

Our sweet neighbor Angie and her husband Doug and daughter brought over soup and cookies!  As I write this we are cuddled up in my Sakura Bloom sling.  It is so handy to be able to be close to you, and still have both of my hands free.

Tomorrow your Great Grandma and Great Grandpa are coming to pick up my mom your Noni!  I am so excited to see them.  They are such a great part of my life.  It is actually Great Grandpa's birthday tomorrow.  He is going to be 87! Grandma is still ever the helpful lady and is bringing lots of tasty food with her.

We love you baby Rose! We are so excited to see what the future holds for us.  We are so thankful for your good health so far.  We pray our Heavenly Father will continue to bless you and our family.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Safe Inside

Dear Baby Rose,

I'm up at 3 am with a bit of insomnia.  I was so tired during the day today, I went to bed about 9 pm! Then I woke up....probably at 12 pm.  I finally gave up trying to get back to sleep about 1 am so that your dad could get some rest before his long day tomorrow.  He has to head to work at 3 am.

I can't believe you will be here any time now! You're due to be born on 11-14.  If you are not here by 11-21 we will have to induce labor.  I have been lucky enough to be "on my own" for awhile now.  But, that means that my schedule is quite important.  I was only able to keep it clear until the first week of December.  I'm so grateful that your Ummuchi will be able to stay with us for most of December.

I have been thinking more about how I am so ready to meet you, but there will be a biter-sweetness to the end of our closeness when you are born.  I pray that we will always be close.  But, now is the only time that I will know exactly where you are and that you are mostly safe :).  Granted, there are risks of the cord getting wrapped around your neck or other concerns, but generally I know that no one can hurt you while you are inside me.  My mom had a fun thought the other day.  You will be one of the few people on this earth that have heard my heartbeat from the inside :).

I am so thankful that you have been healthy and safe so far.  We pray every day that you will continue to be a healthy and blessed baby.

I can't wait to meet you.  I hope that we are always somewhat close.  I know that you will want to be your own person.  Your dad is VERY independent.  If you end up like him, I might not see much of you :(.  I will try my best to respect your personal space baby Rose. Your dad and I were hanging out in your nursery the other day, just thinking about what kind of person you might be.  Your dad and his sisters rarely went home once they left for college. I hope you don't end up doing that! I'm sure we also will not go the way of my parents, who required me to be one at least ONE WEEKEND NIGHT every week.  That was a tough pill to swallow during my time at KU.

You are still moving around quite a bit.  It makes me feel better that all is going well when you move.  So thank you for that :).


 I have started having some issues sleeping again.  Maybe I just need to go back to the chiropractor.  I have had discomfort behind my hips.  That might be due to the urinary tract infection I found out that I have now.  I had been feeling burning when I would urinate at some points.  The preliminary stick test at the Midwife's office showed I might have one.  The test to confirm I have one would have had some cost, and I would not have found out until Monday.  By then I might have had a nasty fever.  Apparently a UTI in pregnancy can be bad because it can cause fever, early labor, and low birth weight.  Also, they would immediately put in a catheter at the hospital during labor, which would be no fun.  The midwife proscribed Microbid.  I was a bit scared to read that it can cause a blood issue in babies.  I talked to the Midwife and apparently this would only happen if some enzyme issue runs in our family AND you are born within 48 hours of me taking the medication.  We are still 2 weeks from your due date, so I am hoping I will finish the 7 days and have a few days to spare before you come.  I am praying that you will be safe and not at all affected by this!

Weight and Fitness

I have gained WAY too much weight.  I am at about 162 pounds right now.  I started at about 124.  I should have been at 115.  I was 119 in November of last year for Maureen's bridal shower.  Then I gained a few pounds over last Christmas.  So I will really want to lose at least 50 pounds after you are born to get to 115.  Hopefully 25 of that will be fairly quick after the birth and fluid goes away.

I have still been able to walk 3 miles several times a week.  This week has been pretty busy.  I need to get some walking in over this weekend.

I love you Baby Rose! I can't wait to meet you.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Shower for you!

Dear Baby Rose,

This last weekend a lot of people came together to celebrate that you are coming into this world! There were several friends from work situations (Liz E., Sarah N., Jamie C.).  My friend Kristin sent a gift card.  Friends from book club made it.  A few ladies from my prior job also came.  My aunt ceci, mom, grandma, cousin Kelli and her baby Kami came.  Also your Ummuchi, Daisy, Dainy, and a friend from Kansas City all came for you! It was a great time.  Your Uncle Kevin made lots of tasty cupcakes, cookies, and other food.

It was great to spend extra time with my grandparents too.  They stayed Sunday night also and we went to see South Pacific.  Grandma also made a roast in the slow cooker for dinner and brought a cake to celebrate your Ummuchi and Uncle Kevin's birthdays!

Good girl!

You have been such a good girl already.  We were told that you were breech a few visits ago with the midwife.  She suggested I go to a chiropractor to help open up my hips.  I went to Dr. Stone in Lincoln.  She was great.  My left hip had been turned in a bad position so my uterus was folded in.  After going to her four times or so she was quite sure you turned.  At my midwife appointment last week she also is quite sure you have turned! She didn't even need a sonogram to confirm it.

Your schedule

You seem to wake up about 4:40 or 5 am every day.  I try to get back to sleep.  I succeed sometimes.  You move some throughout the day now.  You're getting so big.  Your little feet are all the way under my chest now!  You also have little wee movements down in my pelvis which must be your hands.


I have still been able to do my 3 miles several days a week.  I have gained quite a bit of weight though.  I was 158 when I checked yesterday.  That is likely due to eating so much tasty food over the weekend.  I'm back to my normal schedule of not eating dinner if I'm not hungry.  I am hoping to keep my total weight at 160 or less.  We'll see if I can make it the next 4 weeks without gaining over that!  That is still about 35 pounds of weight gain, the upper end of "normal".  I will definitely try to work harder at not gaining as much next time around.


Baby Rose, I am so excited to meet you.  My Aunt Cindy gave us a soft teddy bear for you.  I have been sleeping with him lately, thinking about how it will be to have you sleeping in our room.  I can't wait to see your sweet face, and watch you turn into your own little person.  Although I really will miss having you with me all the time.  I already dread the days of having to pay someone to watch my most precious little girl!  We are working on daycare options still.  At this point we are hoping to have you in daycare only three days a week.  We will see how it goes!  I am praying that I know how to be a good mom to you.  I am also praying that labor goes well, and that you are a happy and healthy baby!  I think you are out of room now.  I'm not complaining, but today you have been constantly on my ribs on the right side.  I don't know what it is about my right side.  I also have a right rib that keeps popping out of place on the connection to my back on the right side.  It can be quite a nagging pain.  You're worth it though girlie! I just think you might come a few weeks early.  If it were up to me you might come Saturday November 2nd.  Anytime after November 1st, at 10 am in case you have a wee calendar in there :).

I love you SO much Baby Rose! And you're not even here yet.

- Mommy

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

First Feeling and Breech

Hi Baby Rose,

Your Daddy finally felt you move for the first time yesterday morning! We were spooning before getting up for work in the morning.  He had his hand on my belly.  He usually knocks on my belly to say hi to you.  I told him that you like loving rubs better.  So he finally did that and you gave a little kick back! It was too sweet.

You are still the wrong way baby Rose! I'm not sure if my hips are too tight or what, but you still do not seem to be head down.  We are worried that we will have to do an external version, which is when the midwife will push on my tummy to try and move you.  It is only successful 65% of the time.   If we can't get you to turn you will have to come out via  a c-section.  I would love to know exactly when you will come out! But, a c-section would require more healing.  So I hope I am able to birth you the normal way.  I am visiting a chiropractor on Friday to help try some other methods prior to the external version.  If you have not turned the correct way by Monday 10-7 we will have to get a sonogram, and likely go through with the external version.

You are almost 32 weeks along! Only 8 more weeks until we get to meet you ;).

We went to a baptism class on Monday to learn more about that process.  We are hoping to baptize you on Sunday December 1st.

Love you baby Rose!

- Mommy

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Only 9 weeks to go! Almost 31 weeks, wrong side up

Dear Baby Rose,

You seem to be growing and have been a lot more active lately.  I have had some allergy and head cold issues in the last week or two. That made sleeping very difficult last week.  I even ended up taking some Tylenol and sudafed to help ease my symptoms.  I am still dealing with a lot of drainage.  You were VERY active when I was taking those medications.  I appreciated the knowledge that you were doing well.

I had an appointment with our normal midwife Jill Dolberg on Tuesday of last week.  You are growing well.  My tummy is on target at 30 cm.  The last time we went you were laying across my belly.  Now you might be sitting with your head up, which is no good! You are supposed to be head down.  If you don't turn by 36 weeks we will have to do some exercises to get you to turn.  If that doesn't work we will do an aversion where they will push on my tummy to try and get you to move. We might also have to do a cesarean if you never end up turning.  I just want you to be safe, and stay in there until you are ready to come out! It gives me a lot of peace to know that you would be alright even if you were born now.  Baby Rhys (my best friend Shea's baby) was born in Ireland on August 26th.  He was 31 weeks along.  He is doing very well now.

The weekend

This last weekend your Noni came to town.  She is working on a quilt for you.  We went and found some more fabrics for the quilt.  It will have some fabrics from the wedding ring quilt that she made for your dad and I when we got married.  We went to a few garage sales, and the International Quilting Study Center at UNL.  We had some frozen yogurt at Kelly's yogurt too.

Exercising and Aches/Pains

I have been doing pretty well walking around your neighborhood 4-5 times three times a week.  I usually try to do the 5 unless I start having pain.  Some days my back is very sore.  It seems to be better if I did my walking in the morning.  My ribs have been quite sore.  My weight is about 149 pounds right now.  Definitely the most I have ever weighed! My face and arms are pretty much the same.  I have some fluid/fat in my legs, and hips. They have definitely grown.

Movement and Patterns

I read somewhere that you are awake for an hour, then sleep for an hour at this stage.  I think that is true.  If I wake up in the night it can be hard to get back to sleep if you are during one of your waking times.  There is always an active time in the afternoons before and after lunch.  I don't feel as many kicks now.   It is mostly just your head poking up through my tummy sometimes.


Only 65 days until you get here! I am so excited to meet you.  I am still worried that I don't know what life will be like.  But I know we will love you and find a new normal.  Your daddy went on a motor cycle trip last week.  I made him write a letter to you in case something happened to him. Thank the Lord, he safely returned.  He is in Fort Worth this week for training.  He has one more trip before you come.  He is going to a friend's wedding in St. Louis the week of your baby shower.  After that, we will be ready for you!

Love you Baby Rose!


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Pains - 27 weeks - almost 7 months

Dear Baby Rose,

It has been so much fun to feel you move lately.  You certainly have some days that are more active than others.  Your movements feel like little involuntary movements in my tummy, kind of like an extra heard beat that happens randomly.


I hate you complain, because you are such a blessing, but I would like an accurate record so that if you are ever blessed with a little sibling I will know what was happening when! In the last few days I have started having quite the aching back.  For the last several weeks I have had pain in some of my upper ribs.  I wonder if that means you are in there pushing out!


As of Friday by weight gain was back in the normal range! I am so glad.  I have been trying to walk 3 miles at least 2 - 3 times a week, and not eat dinner if I am not hungry.  As of Friday my weight was 145.  That is is approximately 22 pounds of weight gain at 27 weeks along.


I have been so thirsty lately! Since I got pregnant I usually have a cup of ice water with me.  I usually do pretty well drinking it.  Even with that water intake, the last few days I have woken up so thirsty and even with a headache!  I really hope that does not mean that I might have gestational diabetes.  I have that test coming up on Tuesday of this week.

Your nursery is all ready for you! We have started buying diapers for you.  Your Daddy is so funny.  We have 500 size 1 diapers, some size 3 diapers, but NO newborn or size two diapers! He thought there was enough of an overlap on sizing that we did not need those ones.

We have also been working on scheduling with your Auntie and Uncle for events we have coming up in November/December.  I can't wait for you to be here! Less than 3 months now.

Love you,


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Movement at 6.5 months

Dear Baby Rose,

I can feel you moving a lot more now! You are active in the mornings, just before I get out of bed.  I can often feel you in the morning and afternoon while I am working.  The movements do not hurt at all.  They are just little jolts and flutters.  Your Daddy still hasn't felt them.  I think his hands aren't as sensitive.  I hope that as you get bigger he will be able to! Although, I know at that point your kicks and movement might be a bit more uncomfortable for me!

I have still been able to walk on the treadmill several times a week.

I am 26 weeks along now! That is 6.5 months.  It's hard to believe you have been with me that long.  At the same time, it seems like a long time.

I have been finding many cute little outfits for you at garage sales lately.  They are so much cheaper than at the stores, and still in perfect shape! You have quite a lot of clothes all ready!  We also have some diapers for you.  We have size 1 and size 3.  Daddy is betting that you won't need size 2 because there is quite a bit of overlap!

I put up some very cute decals in your room of giraffes, elephants, and a tree that we will use to measure how tall you are!

We are still praying for family and friends quite a bit.  Your Auntie Shea in Ireland has been in the hospital for a few weeks now.  She is leaking amniotic fluid.  Her baby seems to be making more, but they have to monitor her and the baby very carefully to be sure an infection does not develop and that the baby is growing well.

I found this post about how small your tummy will be when you are born! No wonder you will need to eat every 2 hours in the beginning!

We love you baby Rose!

- Mommy

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Eight Months Old This Time Next Year

Hi Baby Rose!

You are moving around a lot more now.  I can feel you quite often during my day.  Your kicks are getting a bit harder.  They still are not super obvious from the outside.  But I love the constant reminders that you are in there.

I have been reading up on what life will be like for us this time next year! You will be eight months old on July 15th.  You will be crawling around, and picking things up with two fingers.  We will be giving you "O" shaped cereal and other chunks of food.  If we are able to get breastfeeding going you might still be doing that several times a day.  You should not be watching TV until you are two years old! So no Disney movies for you yet.  You could start learning sign language at eight months.  You also will respond to low and serious reprimands, so we will have to start letting you know if certain things are off limits.  We could start playing memory games with you looking at baby flash cards or family pictures.  You might be pulling up on furniture.



Fun activities to try:
  • Let your baby put tennis balls or toy cars in the cups of a muffin tin. She'll also love playing with shape-sorting toys.
  • Create a miniature obstacle course using pillows, cushions, chairs, and boxes for Baby to crawl between and over. Join in the game to show her how to navigate it.
  • Ask your baby questions and wait for a response. Encourage her to shake her head yes or no. Teach her to wave "bye-bye" and clap when she is happy.
  • Baby understands more words than you might suspect. Mention a favorite toy, pet, or a family member's name. If she immediately looks for it, you'll know she understands.
  • Offer your baby objects such as a toothbrush, cup, hairbrush, or toy telephone. When he treats the object appropriately, such as putting the toy phone to his ear, react positively and enthusiastically.
  • Introduce your child to a variety of foods. He will love the ways different foods feel and taste. Let him start drinking from a sippy cup. He will have fun imitating you at mealtime.
  • Some favorite food choices for this age include dry cereal, scrambled eggs, diced soft fruit and vegetables, cubes of cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, diced meat, teething biscuits, crackers, pasta, and mashed potatoes.
  • When you are reading to your little one, ask her to find and point to the tree, cat, ball, and so on in the pictures. When you are dressing Baby, ask her to point to her head, tummy, and toes.
  • When you are reading to your little one, ask her to find and point to the tree, cat, ball, and so on in the pictures. When you are dressing Baby, ask her to point to her head, tummy, and toes.
  • Whenever your child does something accidentally, such as dropping his sippy cup from his high chair, say "uh-oh!" This lets him know you are not upset and that everyone makes mistakes. Eventually he will begin to imitate these phrases, and sometimes there won't be a real reason.
  • Play games with your little one when you're dressing her. Play peekaboo when her head pops through her pajama top. Kiss her hands when they appear through her sleeves. Ask her to step in her pant legs. Clap when she follows directions.
Activities from here.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

24 weeks and health weight gain

Hi Baby Rose!

You have been moving pretty consistently lately.  I still can't feel it on the outside that often.  It happened a few times last night as I was getting to sleep.  But I didn't want to wake up your daddy, as he has to get up very early each day at 3:30 am!

Weight Gain

In the last few months I have gained a bit too much weight.  I guess I was enjoying fruits and desserts a bit too much.  I am now 24 weeks along, and I have gained 19 pounds! That is a bit too much.  I am supposed to be more at 12 pounds gained perhaps.  For example, the momma below from a blog that I read called the Daily Garnish has only gained 16 - 17 pounds and she is 27 weeks!

27 weeks


I have started to have some issues with swelling. I have felt a "heaviness" in my legs and the skin felt tight in the evenings for awhile now. I thought it could be the feeling of swelling, but my ankles etc didn't look big or anything. At home I have a standing desk and stood up for four hours doing work for an accounting class I am taking. Apparently that was a bad idea! I could literally feel the fluid shaking around as I walked down to bed.  I am trying to drink more water today, and will make sure to elevate my feet on a larger pillow while I sleep tonight.  I am really hoping I don't have to start wearing tight hose!


I am still able to work out consistently.  Last week we were in Liberal the first part of the week.  I walked a few times when we first arrived.  It certainly was not the 3 miles I am used to.  I worked out on Sunday after we got back and did 3.5 or more miles and then did some work with weights, and some front and side planks.  I also did a bit of running at 4.6.

This has been a busy week, so I was not able to work out again until this morning.  I was only able to do 1.7 miles in 25 minutes.  Maybe I can work out again tomorrow! It's just hard to get up in the morning at 6 or 6:30.  I was actually able to run a bit on the treadmill this morning.  I was only at 4.6, but it felt good.


I had an appointment on Monday with our Midwife Jill Dolberg.  Apparently my tummy is right at 23 centimeters, so I am right on track.  Your heart beat is slowing down as you get bigger like it's supposed to.  I got to hold a model of you at their office.  You're getting big little girl!  Next month I have go to for the one hour glucose test to be sure I do not have gestational diabetes.  I will really be praying that I don't!

We are so thankful that this has been an uneventful pregnancy and that you are growing and healthy.  My best friend Shea in Ireland has had a very difficult pregnancy.  She is only 2 weeks ahead of me, and is already leaking amniotic fluid. We are praying all goes well for her and the baby. 

Love you!


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Kicks on the outside

Dear baby Rose,

Yesterday was the first time that I felt your kicks on the outside of my tummy! I could put my hand on my stomach and feel your little movements.  I'm so happy to feel you moving away in there.  What a blessing you are my baby girl.  I am so thankful that we will get to welcome you into our family in a few months.

Love you,


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

You have a name!

Dear Kuti,

I went though many books of Saints and baby names and came up with a list of names that I liked.  I then narrowed it down to names that I REALLY liked.  Then your daddy went through them to decide which one he liked.  We were hoping to find the name of a saint that we liked because Ammachi had hoped we would find a good saint name.  I looked through normal baby name books also.  We have your name chosen!

Your name will be Rose Kreiser Madathil (unless you look like your name should be a bit different, we have two back-up names :)).   Our back-up names are Dorothy (we would call you Dottie) for my grandma.  Our other back-up name is Aria.  Your dad says we can only call you Aria if you look mean!  So, most likely your name will be Rose.



Here is a bit of information about St. Rose of Lima from here:

Virgin, patroness of America, born at Lima, Peru 20 April, 1586; died there 30 August, 1617.

At her confirmation in 1597, she took the name of Rose, because, when an infant, her face had been seen transformed by a mystical rose. As a child she was remarkable for a great reverence, and pronounced love, for all things relating to God. This so took possession of her that thenceforth her life was given up toprayer and mortification. She had an intense devotion to the Infant Jesus and His Blessed Mother, before whose altar she spent hours. She was scrupulouslyobedient and of untiring industry, making rapid progress by earnest attention to her parents' instruction, to her studies, and to her domestic work, especially with her needle.

After reading of St. Catherine she determined to take that saint as her model. She began by fasting three times a week, adding secret severe penances, and when her vanity was assailed, cutting off her beautiful hair, wearing coarse clothing, and roughening her hands with toil. All this time she had to struggle against the objections of her friends, the ridicule of her family, and the censure of her parents. Many hours were spent before the Blessed Sacrament, which she received daily.

Finally she determined to take a vow of virginity, and inspired by supernatural love, adopted extraordinary means to fulfill it. At the outset she had to combat the opposition of her parents, who wished her to marry. For ten years the struggle continued before she won, by patience and prayer, their consent to continue her mission.

At the same time great temptations assailed her purity, faith, and constance, causing her excruciating agony of mind and desolation of spirit, urging her to more frequent mortifications; but daily, also, Our Lord manifested Himself, fortifying her with the knowledge of His presence and consoling her mind with evidence of His Divine love. Fasting daily was soon followed by perpetual abstinence from meat, and that, in turn, by use of only the coarsest food and just sufficient to support life.

Her days were filled with acts of charity and industry, her exquisite lace and embroidery helping to support her home, while her nights were devoted to prayer andpenance. When her work permitted, she retired to a little grotto which she had built, with her brother's aid, in their small garden, and there passed her nights in solitude and prayer. Overcoming the opposition of her parents, and with the consent of her confessor, she was allowed later to become practically a recluse in this cell, save for her visits to the Blessed Sacrament.

In her twentieth year she received the habit of St. Dominic. Thereafter she redoubled the severity and variety of her penances to a heroic degree, wearing constantly a metal spiked crown, concealed by roses, and an iron chain about her waist. Days passed without food, save a draught of gall mixed with bitter herbs. When she could no longer stand, she sought repose on a bed constructed by herself, of broken glass, stone, potsherds, and thorns. She admitted that the thought of lying down on it made her tremble with dread. Fourteen years this martyrdom of her body continued without relaxation, but not without consolation.Our Lord revealed Himself to her frequently, flooding her soul with such inexpressible peace and joy as to leave her in ecstasy for hours. At these times she offered to Him all her mortifications and penances in expiation for offences against His Divine Majesty, for the idolatry of her country, for the conversion ofsinners, and for the souls in Purgatory.

Many miracles followed her death. She was beatified by Clement IX, in 1667, and canonized in 1671 by Clement X, the first American to be so honoured. Her feastis celebrated 30 August. She is represented wearing a crown of roses.

Image from here, here, and here.

Monday, July 15, 2013

You're a girl!

Dear Kuti,

We headed down to your Ummuch and Uppachen's house in Liberal, Kansas on Saturday of last week.  On Friday we picked up cupcakes from Cupcakes & More in Lincoln.  We had dropped off the folded and stapled strip of paper there after our sonogram on Tuesday.   The cupcakes made it through a 7 hour drive down, and a few hour lay-over at Cheney Reservoir to see your daddy's best man from our wedding, Curtis and his wife.  They are pregnant with a little girl who is due just a day after you are!

We waited until Sunday afternoon when Auntie Daisy and Uncle Kevin were able to make it down to Liberal.  Your Nonni and Grandpa in Kansas City were able to be a part of our "gender reveal" by google chat/hangout.  We busted into the cupcakes and found out that you are a girl! Below is a picture of a few of the half eaten cupcakes :).  We are so excited to meet you baby girl!



Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Afternoon Baby

Dear Kuti,

I think you enjoy the afternoons and evenings better than mornings.  It is amazing how much more active you are in the evenings.  You are quite quiet in the mornings.  By the afternoon you start moving a bit more.  In the evenings you definitely make your presence known.  I am actually looking forward to when you move around all the time! I like having company :).

I have been looking quite a bit at your sonogram picture and noticing little details.  Obviously your sweet round little belly is so cute.  I can even see your little toes, and how you are sitting Indian style with your legs crossed.

Love you!


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Structures in Good Shape!

Dear Kuti,

Your dad and I were so happy to find out that you are a healthy and lively little baby.  You kept putting your hands up to your mouth and moving them.  Our sweet little sonogram picture shows you maybe sucking your thumb. The tech showed us your bright white femur.  Your bones are well calcified.  We saw your brain and heart structures are in good shape.  Your spine is also straight and strong.  You also have a sweet and "well nourished" round tummy :).  The tech WAS able to tell if you are a girl or boy.  We are waiting to find out until Sunday with your Ummuchi and Uppachen (grandma and grandpa) in Liberal.  Your Auntie Daisy and Uncle Kevin will be there too.  The tech made very sure that I could not peek at the little slip of paper that she wrote whether you are a girl or boy on. She folded it into a tiny square, stapled, AND taped it!  She gave us two little squares.  Your dad and I then took one square to Cupcakes & More in Lincoln so that Regina and her cupcake ladies could make tasty gender reveal cupcakes for us to take to Liberal.  I am putting the other square into the mail so that your Nonni in Kansas City can open it with us on Sunday!

I can't wait to find out and start working on picking out a name for you.  If you are a boy we have two good names picked out, Ethan or John Krieser Madathil.  If you are a girl, we're still not sure!  Your Ummuchi says you should be named after a good saint.  So I got a few baby name books and a few books about saints from the library to take with us.

We love you Kuti! We are so thankful to God that you are growing well and all of your internal structures look good and strong.  I love that you have a sweet round belly.  In our sonogram pic it looks like you are sitting Indian style and sucking your thumb.

You're so cute already Kuti!

Here you are at 20 weeks and 5 days.

Love you,


Monday, July 8, 2013

Sonogram Tomorrow

My Dear Kuti,

Your dad and I will be going at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow to get a sonogram.  We will find out if all of your internal structures like your heart and lungs are in good shape and as they should be.  I read a very scary story about a lady whose baby had heart valve issues.  The doctors actually said that the prognosis was not good because no one over the age of 30 was living with the defect and 3 surgeries required to fix the defect.  The doctors suggested that they abort the baby.  Kuti, no matter what your daddy and I will not be ending your life.  We love you.  We are praying that you have been growing well and are healthy!

We will also have the sonogram tech fill out a card letting us know if you area  boy or girl! I am so excited to find out if you are a girl or boy.  Daddy thinks you are a girl.  I just am not sure.  I was down in Kansas City with my mom (who will be called your Nonni) to search for clothes and other items for you! We had a great time searching for good deals.

Here I am for a walk with Nonni and Sadie!

We love you!

- Mommy

Monday, July 1, 2013

Half Way Done!

Hi Kuti,

You are now more than 20 weeks along! That means we have less than 20 weeks to go before we meet you.  I took a few pictures of myself.  I just need to get them off of my camera to put them on here! I hope you are growing a lot.  I have been gaining some weight.  I have gained a total of 13.7 pounds according to one of my pregnancy apps :(.  I should show more restraint when it comes to cookies!  I have been doing a lot better about eating produce though.  I read that I should be eating 9 servings of fruits or vegetables every day! That is a lot.  I have started making smoothies with almond milk, spinach, blueberries, and frozen fruit.  They are pretty tasty!  I have also started taking fish oil because it has DHA in it that should help the connections in your brain develop.  I definitely was not eating any fish before, so I am hoping this will help you to get what you need.

I am so thankful for you Kuti.  This has been a very easy pregnancy.  I had another friend that found out she was pregnant a few weeks ago.  She just found out that the baby now has no heart beat.  I had heard that 1 out of every 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage.  I have heard about too many of them lately though.  I also read a blog called La Vie Petite who lost a baby who was even 16 weeks along, and she lost her baby.  She was even forced to go through 3 hours of labor to birth her baby who had died.  I love and trust in God.  These things are hard though.  I pray for you every day little Kuti.  I have even started praying for your future spouse (although you could be a priest or nun if you wanted to).

It is fun to start talking to you.  I do feel little flutters in my belly more often now.  I actually cannot wait until you are big enough so that I can really feel you kick.

I love you Kuti! Keep growing!

- Mommy

Here are some pics of me at 20 weeks (or there about)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Movement 2


I am pretty sure you've been moving around tonight.  I can feel you low and to the left side in my pelvis.  That's where you were on Friday of last week too when the Midwife was looking for your heartbeat! I'm so excited to feel you moving around more often.  I feel like I've been waiting to meet you for so long, even though it's only been almost 5 months! We still have 5 more months to go :(.

It's been a busy night getting work done.  I was in a juvenile law CLE all day today.  So, I had to finish an unemployment appeal brief I have due tomorrow to district court, a veterinarian employment agreement, and reviewing some items from the local BBB.  I love the flexibility that having my own firm gives.  I really hope that I can make it be profitable so I can keep doing it!  I found this quote the other day that I'm going to try and keep in mind.

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” - Thomas Edison
Love you lots Kuti!

- Mommy

Sunday, June 23, 2013

19 weeks (almost 5 months)

Hi Kuti!

Your dad and I went to the doctor on Friday and got to hear your heartbeat on Friday.  Your head is down very low in my pelvis on the left side.   I think all of you is on the left.  The left side of my belly seems to be a bit bigger! I have taken a few pictures to show where you are now!  We also got to hold a model baby that is the size you are now.  You're getting bigger! It takes two hands now to hold you :).

It's getting pretty hot outside now.  Your dad and I actually sleep in the guest room in the basement when it gets hot like this.  We've been thinking about where you'll sleep down here.  The basement is also our movie room where we have a big screen on the wall to watch TV and movies.  I think your pack-n-play crib will fit in just fine down here.

I am ready to feel you move! I know I will have quite a few months where you will probably make me feel uncomfortable with all of your movement. But right now, I can't wait to know that you're in there and moving around!

With the hot weather I have been drinking less tea.  I have had a soda here and there.  Now caffeine really affects me.  I had half a cup of coffee yesterday and it kept me up all night! So, no more coffee until November for me.

I am also super excited to find out whether you are a girl or boy! I do love surprises.  But I just cannot wait another 5 months to find out.  I need to mentally prepare either way.   We are having a sonogram to check all of your internal structures on July 9th.  We will as the person doing the sonogram to write on two cards whether you are a girl or boy.  We are heading down to Liberal to see your grandparents on July 12th.  So we will take one card to Cupcakes & More in Lincoln to have them do gender reveal cupcakes to take with us! I am so excited.

You can hear us now! Apparently by 19 weeks your ears are fully formed.  I have started trying to pray aloud and talk to you more.  I talked to your dad's mom today, you'll call her Ummachi, and she reminded me to read bible verses to you.  I'll have to do that tonight.

Jazz in June

Last Tuesday was Jazz in June in Lincoln.  I really enjoyed going to all of the concerts last year.  I missed the first two in June due to weather and Pistol's dental surgery.  Your dad and I have planned to go this coming Tuesday.  I am hoping to take you along next year!  You will be seven months old! I hope that you'll enjoy being outside and listening to jazz.


Exercising has been going well.  For the last month or two I have been doing 3+ miles at least three times a week.  I started out running during commercials.  I started to feel some odd pains and it was a bit uncomfortable.  So I cut out the running.  Now I just walk 3 miles.  I have gained about 10 pounds now.  I am only supposed to gain another 4 over the next 8 weeks.

How many Weeks are in a Trimester?

First Trimester: Starts with the first day of your last menstrual period  and ends with the last day of the 13th week thereafter.

Second Trimester: Starts at the beginning of the 14th week and lasts through the 27th week of pregnancy.

Third Trimester: Starts at the beginning of the 28th week and ends with labor.  We will be in the third trimester on August 22!

From here.

Health Weight Gain

I am now 19 weeks in.  So that would be a max of 4.5 pounds in the first trimester (through thirteen weeks), then 1 pound over each of the last six weeks would be 6 pounds.  So I am potentially at the higher side of the range having already gained 10 pounds.  Hopefully I can keep the weight gain in check!

Healthy Weight Gain by Trimester

First trimester: 1 pound per month ~ (about 4lb) in the first three months.
Second trimester: 1 pound per week for the next three months ~ (12 - 14lb) in total.
Third trimester: around 1 pound per week ~ (12lb) over the last three months.
From here.

I can't wait to meet you Kuti!

Monday, June 10, 2013

You are my sanity

Hello Little Bird,

You are now 17 weeks along.  We are so excited to meet you.  I look into your room every day, and cannot wait until you are in there waiting for me!

I have to tell you little one, I really love your Daddy.  He does not show his feelings well.  But he does care very much.  He prefers to show that he cares.  He has been so patient and loving by letting me open my own firm, at the same period that you are coming into our lives!

Your Daddy is very good with finances.  He helps us save a lot for retirement, and what we need.  We made a big decision the month that we conceived you, that I would start my own law firm.  I really enjoyed law school and did well there.  But I have had a hard time finding my place since then.  I had a good group of attorneys that I worked with in Wichita, Kansas just after I finished law school.  I loved the partners, but there was one associate that I just could not get along with.  I really tried to get to know him, but I just could not imagine being left alone as a partner with this guy when all of the older guys that I enjoyed retired.  We decided we wanted to be closer to family, and we really enjoy spending time with your Auntie Daisy and Uncle Kevin in Lincoln.  We also liked the town a lot better than Wichita.  It came to a point that we decided if I was going to start my own firm, that now is the time! It is exciting, but very hard to adjust to not having a regular paycheck (or any paycheck yet).  It takes awhile to get to a positive cash flow when starting a new firm.  I was having  hard time with not saving as much for retirement right now.  Today your Daddy said the sweetest thing to me today.  He said that he was not worried about the lack of saving right now, that I am part of his sanity.  My happiness helps him stay sane.  I do need to commit to giving this firm about 2.5 years to be successful.  Hopefully at that point I will be making at least $50,000.00 a year after paying all expenses for the firm.

There is a song out right now called "Next to Me".  It's about how you will never find her man chasing demons or doing bad things, staying out late, or anything of the sort.  Your dad will always be next to me.  And I love him so much.  It helps to know that no matter what, he will be there.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Hello little bird!

I think I felt you move for the first time last night.  You are 16 weeks along right now, almost 17 weeks (as of tomorrow).  Apparently the feeling of water hitting my tummy in the shower felt interesting to you.  It was a pretty interesting feeling.  Hopefully I will start feeling you move more often soon.  I have heard between 16 - 18 weeks most women start to feel movement.

I can't wait to find out if you are a boy or girl! I am trying to get it set up so we will find out in July before we head down to Liberal to see your grandparents.

I love you so much already! I cannot wait for your to be in your little room that is already in shape for you.

- Momma

Saturday, June 1, 2013

It's official!


We announced that you're on the way to the "facebook" world today!  I liked this picture that I got the idea for off of Pinterest.  It was fun taking pictures with your dad.

Photo: We're expecting our first baby in November!

Here is the announcement picture that your daddy liked.   The caption was that Pistol was reading up to help out when you come!

Photo: Our new baby sitter reading up on her duties  come November.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Disney and 5 months

I have been addicted to Disney movies lately.  I have been watching Beauty and the Beast the most.  I love it! Disney movies help me to remember the goodness that is in the world, and that we can all overcome difficult things.

Only 210 days until I can watch these movies with you!  It is odd to think that at this time next year we will have a baby that is five months old! I think often about how our lives will change.  We need to find a good daycare option! You will be so precious to us, so I am sure it will be hard.

I have been able to work out the last two nights finally! I have been so nauseous and parts of me sore, that it was not fun to jog at all for awhile.  It's very odd how I am never hungry.  But if I wait too long to eat, I feel nauseous.  I am now 10 weeks along.  I am weighing between 123 and 125 pounds.  I weighed 119 in November.  But, I gained a few pounds over Christmas that I never lost! So I have gained maybe a pound or two since you were conceived.

babble91 300x201 A Day In The Life Of A Five month old Baby

Image from here.

So what will we do with you when you are five months old?

This link at BabyCenter talks about spoon feeding cereal to babies to get them ready for normal eating, or making faces at the baby because they are so good at focusing on faces.  What to Expect talks about how you will understand at 5 months that objects still exist when you can't see them.  So you will like to play peek-a-boo and find hidden things.  You might even like drinking from cups and be starting to eat solid foods rather than just breast milk or formula!

This page from WebMD talks about how you will be able to sit up with the help of a boppy or blanket, and might try to start crawling.  

This blog post talks about what our schedule might be like when you are five months old!  You will be taking a morning and afternoon nap.  You will hopefully be sleeping through the night, or maybe getting up for one feeding.

I can't wait to meet you little bird! We have started calling you cuthie (this apparently means baby or child in Malyalam the language in Southern India where your grandparents are from).

Love, Momma