Monday, November 25, 2013

Week 2 and start of Week 3

Week 2

We had our first day with just you and me! Daddy had to go back to work.  I missed him so much! It was great spending time with just the three of us.

Breastfeeding started going much better.  My nipples were healed and my milk seemed to come in.  I still have not been able to pump any milk though.  I seem to have a very strong letdown that you are able to get through.

We went to the doctor about your indigestion/reflux.  You make throat clearing noises a lot.  We were worried the acid was hurting you! We met with our neighbor Dr. Althouse.  He let us know that we are only supposed to be feeding you 2 ounces at a time right now! We had been breastfeeding you PLUS giving you 2 ounces, or juts giving you 3 - 4 ounces of formula.

Week 3
 This week you have been a bit more cranky!  We are still trying to figure you out.  You seem to really like being walked and bounced.

So far you have been sleeping for a few longer stretches at night (from 10 pm through 3:15 last night).  You were sleeping on my chest though.  I have a hard time leaving you sleeping on your back.  You make weird noises clearing your through.  Soon I will just have to put you on your back or side though!

Your daddy thinks maybe you are allergic to milk.  So I guess I have to give up milk for awhile and see if that helps your indigestion at all.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Birth Story

Dear baby Rose,

I am holding you in my lap right now as I type this.  You are such a sweet baby.  I thought this day would never come.  Here is our birth and labor story.

Things Get Started

You did make it though, and a few days early! You were due to be born yesterday 11-14.  You were born instead on Saturday November 9th.  I actually had a lot of contractions on Friday November 8th, but they never became regular.  On Saturday morning about 2 am they started becoming more painful.  I started timing them.  They finally got closer together and were about 3 - 4 minutes apart by around 6 am.  We were taking our time getting ready to head to the hospital.  We knew it would still be awhile before you came. Your daddy sure took his time making special tea with almond seemed to take him at least 20 minutes! We were lucky that you had started your entry into the world early that morning, so he was able to call into work and be with me all of that day.

The Hospital 

We arrived at the hospital (Saint Elizabeth's in Lincoln, NE) around 6:30 AM.  Unfortunately I was only 1 - 2 cm dilated.  I needed to make it to 10 for you to come! They told me that they would call my midwife but I would likely need to go home to labor there unless I progressed a bit.  Your dad went to run an errand and I started walking the halls of the 4th floor of St. Elizabeth's Hospital.  I would slow down and stop when a contraction came, and kept track of when they were coming, how long they were lasting, and how far apart they were.  Luckily after an hour of walking the floors we made it to 4 cm dilated! We got to stay!

Things Get Real

I had hoped not to get an epidural for various reasons.  But, I knew that I could change my mind.  Joshy was a very good helper once things got going.  The contractions got to be fairly painful from 5 - 6.  We would stand and I would lean on a table in the room.  He would massage my back, or use a massage truck we found out about in our labor and delivery (Lamaze) class through St. Elizabeth's.   Here is a link to one option you can find through Amazon.

I started to feel a lot of pain, and was re-considering my decision on not getting an epidural.  Joshy suggested we try the birthing jacuzzi tub in the birthing suite.  We got that filled up and I got in.  We went through quite a few contractions in there.  It did help slightly but the contractions were getting much stronger.  I was definitely not able to just relax my way through them and "go to a happy place."  I got very scared about dealing with many more hours of this.  We decided to go ahead with the epidural.

Around 4:30 your Auntie Daisy and Uncle Kevin came to the hospital.  Uncle Kevin wanted to give us privacy.  But it was so nice to see Auntie Daisy.  They went to church then, because they had to work the next day.

My midwife (Jill Dolberg) was out of town that weekend, so one of her associates Carol came in to evaluate me.  She had stopped in a few times as I was laboring.  I was at 7.5, and I really wanted the pain to go down.  The anesthesiologist did a good job.  It seemed to take a bit to get all of the fluid in me that I needed.  But I was SO happy to be in no pain.  Luckily my contractions continued to come quite closer together.  A few hours later by 7 pm I was ready to push and was at 10 cm dilated.   Around 7:30 we officially started pushing.  Around this time your Auntie Daisy came by again.  She and your daddy were great helpers coaching me through pushes.  We moved positions often and tried to get as many good pushes out of each contraction as we could.  My epidural had worn off some, so I was able to move myself.  We tried getting on my hands and knees.  By this point your heart rate was dipping a bit during pushing.  So we would push only on every other contraction.  My contractions were very close together.

Labor and pushing seemed to be going well but you got stuck in the birth canal. After 2.5 hours of pushing your heart rate was not doing well when we would push.  And you were not moving.  So we decided to head into the surgery room to see if they could do a vacuum assisted delivery, or do a c-section. Unfortunately you were so high up still a vaccum would not help. We didn't want to do any damage to your head!  Your Auntie Daisy said our doctor back up to midwife would do a good job.  His name was Doctor Gregory Heidrick.  I have to say that I agree with her thoughts.

I was praying very hard that you and I both would come out of this safely.

The c-section process was very odd.  I could still feel and move  my toes just before the surgery. I kept asking them if that was ok.  I did NOT want to feel them cut into me.  Your daddy was standing right next to me holding my hand.  He wanted to stand up to see the action though! It was a very odd feeling when they took you out, and some of my other organs! Your daddy said they took out the uterus to stitch it up.  And it was the size of a basketball! I felt pressure and pain even in my chest.  Your daddy said they were messing with things all the way up there.  My arms and legs were strapped down during the surgery.

I cried when they pulled you out and I heard you crying.  I praised GOD and thanked him for our safety.  I asked your daddy if you were ok and he said you were.  They cut the cord and measured you. You were 8 pounds 11 ounces! Then, you pooped, TWICE.

Your Auntie Daisy was there after the surgery too.  They put you on my chest in the recovery room and you started nursing.  I could not even hold you on my chest I was so tired.  Auntie Daisy and the nurse helped though.

 The c-section was a success. They gave me a binder thing I have been wearing ever since the surgery. It has really helped things move back into place. The incision has healed very nicely. Nothing has come out for several days now. I am starting to feel like myself again! 

So that is how you got here! We are so thankful that you are healthy and here.  Praise the Lord!

First diaper change without crying! - Week 1

You were born on Saturday November 9th at 10:23 pm.  You were 8 pounds 11 ounces! That is pretty big for a person with narrow hips like me.  I had to have a c-section.  You can read our labor and birth post here.

In the Hospital (Sunday, Monday, and part of Tuesday)

The first few days in the hospital went pretty well.  We started working on breastfeeding.  You did very well.  I used lanolin to protect my nipples.  Then, the last night at the hospital (Monday night) you started wanting to feed more often.  I believe they call this cluster feeding.


On Tuesday we headed home from the hospital.  You were down to 7 pounds __ ounces.   When we got home we noticed Uncle Kevin had made a welcome home banner with sweet graphics and crepe paper.  I will have to add a picture of that.

Unfortunately I had taken on a project that needed to be filed with the court on Tuesday. So Tuesday was not a good day.  I was stressed out about getting home to get the filing done.  That day my stress must have affected you.  My nipples ended up getting torn up, so feeding you became very painful.  We did have an appointment set up at Lincoln, OBGYN with Dr. Anderson (a lactation specialist) to work on breast feeding for Wednesday.  Your Auntie Shea in Ireland made a call to me to see how you were doing.  I got the filing done.  But, it was a stressful day.  Adding to the stress, the breastfeeding was not going well.  I was feeling a lot of pressure to feed you all on my own.  That first time home was quite rough.  We put your moses basket on the floor in our room.  It was not fun crawling down on the floor with my incision.  It also was not fun laying flat or getting out of bed.  So I decided to take you downstairs and stay in the livingroom.  Sleeping on the cough worked well.  I could sleep sitting up.  As you woke up through the night it became clear my nipples were a mess.  I was afraid this was happening because you were hungry and not getting enough to eat.  My milk had not fully come in yet.  You were 3 days old at this point.  So I decided to give you some Similac formula the company had sent us.  I tried pumping a few times to keep my supply up, but nothing came out! The third time pumping a tiny bit of colostrum came out.  Around 4:30 I had to take you to your daddy because I was worn out.  He took care of you the rest of the night.


On Wednesday we made our first trip out into the world.  We went to see Dr. Anderson.  We found out that you had gained some wait, but it might have just been the formula.  Then we did a feed at the appointment.  You fed for about 30 minutes and did get 1 ounce of milk out!  So I was encouraged that you were getting milk out, even if our breast pump could not get anything.  We got a prescription for "triple nipple" cream.  It has neosporin, anti-fungal, and antibiotic elements.  This is supposed to help avoid mastitis and other infections due to the open wounds.  I tried this  and then we fed you with formula most of the rest of the day.  I did try a few feeds, but they were quite painful.

Your daddy has been so helpful.  He had changed most of your diapers up to this point at the hospital and at home.

On Wednesday night I was sleeping on the couch to be with you, but my uterus started contracting and I felt chilled and sweaty.  So, your daddy took you most of the night.  I took over about 4:30 a.m.


On Thursday we tried feeding with a nipple shield, and pumping.  You did feed for about 15 minutes with the nipple shield and were quite satisfied.  I also tried pumping.  Unfortunately I got NOTHING and there was also breast tissue in the pump.  It had got nothing out and damaged my nipple.  So I was quite annoyed.

Your Auntie Daisy and Uncle Kevin came over to spend some time with you.  They brought over breakfast casserole that was quite tasty.  They loved holding you while you slept.  Uncle Kevin is so good with you.

I had an appointment for breastfeeding, but Dr. Anderson was out of the office.  So we met with a Nurse Practitioner.  She checked you over.  You had gained 2 ounces since Wednesday.   She said we must be doing things right for you to gain weight like that.  We then had a feeding and you gained .5 ounce, but you also peed.  So you might have actually gained another ounce.  I decided to give my breasts a break and we fed you with formula the rest of the day for the most part.

Through all of this you have been such a good baby! You only cry when there is something wrong.  We actually had to start checking your diaper more often than when you cry because we were worried that you were getting a diaper rash.

I slept upstairs with your dad, and you were in the pack and play.  We tried to get you settled in around 1:30, that was not happening.  Your dad took you so that I could get some sleep.


Your daddy  brought you back at 3:30 or 4:30.  Around 4:30 you started moving around.  I went and changed you and tried to feed you with the nipple shield.  Unfortunately there was quite a bit of blood in the shield! This was with my left breast.  You still fed for 20 minutes and then slept for 4 hours.  You obviously got some good nourishment.  I decided to wait a few days to try on my left again.  I might try with my right again today.  We will see if I end up using a shield, or just my breast.

Today you had your first bath.  You actually didn't cry too much! We had to wash your hair, as you have so much of it.  You also had your first diaper change, after your bath, that you did not cry during! We had a good day.  Generally you would cry every time we would change your diaper.  I started putting one of the small spit up rags over your tummy when we change you to keep you warm.

Here is you all bundled up after your first bath!

Our sweet neighbor Angie and her husband Doug and daughter brought over soup and cookies!  As I write this we are cuddled up in my Sakura Bloom sling.  It is so handy to be able to be close to you, and still have both of my hands free.

Tomorrow your Great Grandma and Great Grandpa are coming to pick up my mom your Noni!  I am so excited to see them.  They are such a great part of my life.  It is actually Great Grandpa's birthday tomorrow.  He is going to be 87! Grandma is still ever the helpful lady and is bringing lots of tasty food with her.

We love you baby Rose! We are so excited to see what the future holds for us.  We are so thankful for your good health so far.  We pray our Heavenly Father will continue to bless you and our family.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Safe Inside

Dear Baby Rose,

I'm up at 3 am with a bit of insomnia.  I was so tired during the day today, I went to bed about 9 pm! Then I woke up....probably at 12 pm.  I finally gave up trying to get back to sleep about 1 am so that your dad could get some rest before his long day tomorrow.  He has to head to work at 3 am.

I can't believe you will be here any time now! You're due to be born on 11-14.  If you are not here by 11-21 we will have to induce labor.  I have been lucky enough to be "on my own" for awhile now.  But, that means that my schedule is quite important.  I was only able to keep it clear until the first week of December.  I'm so grateful that your Ummuchi will be able to stay with us for most of December.

I have been thinking more about how I am so ready to meet you, but there will be a biter-sweetness to the end of our closeness when you are born.  I pray that we will always be close.  But, now is the only time that I will know exactly where you are and that you are mostly safe :).  Granted, there are risks of the cord getting wrapped around your neck or other concerns, but generally I know that no one can hurt you while you are inside me.  My mom had a fun thought the other day.  You will be one of the few people on this earth that have heard my heartbeat from the inside :).

I am so thankful that you have been healthy and safe so far.  We pray every day that you will continue to be a healthy and blessed baby.

I can't wait to meet you.  I hope that we are always somewhat close.  I know that you will want to be your own person.  Your dad is VERY independent.  If you end up like him, I might not see much of you :(.  I will try my best to respect your personal space baby Rose. Your dad and I were hanging out in your nursery the other day, just thinking about what kind of person you might be.  Your dad and his sisters rarely went home once they left for college. I hope you don't end up doing that! I'm sure we also will not go the way of my parents, who required me to be one at least ONE WEEKEND NIGHT every week.  That was a tough pill to swallow during my time at KU.

You are still moving around quite a bit.  It makes me feel better that all is going well when you move.  So thank you for that :).


 I have started having some issues sleeping again.  Maybe I just need to go back to the chiropractor.  I have had discomfort behind my hips.  That might be due to the urinary tract infection I found out that I have now.  I had been feeling burning when I would urinate at some points.  The preliminary stick test at the Midwife's office showed I might have one.  The test to confirm I have one would have had some cost, and I would not have found out until Monday.  By then I might have had a nasty fever.  Apparently a UTI in pregnancy can be bad because it can cause fever, early labor, and low birth weight.  Also, they would immediately put in a catheter at the hospital during labor, which would be no fun.  The midwife proscribed Microbid.  I was a bit scared to read that it can cause a blood issue in babies.  I talked to the Midwife and apparently this would only happen if some enzyme issue runs in our family AND you are born within 48 hours of me taking the medication.  We are still 2 weeks from your due date, so I am hoping I will finish the 7 days and have a few days to spare before you come.  I am praying that you will be safe and not at all affected by this!

Weight and Fitness

I have gained WAY too much weight.  I am at about 162 pounds right now.  I started at about 124.  I should have been at 115.  I was 119 in November of last year for Maureen's bridal shower.  Then I gained a few pounds over last Christmas.  So I will really want to lose at least 50 pounds after you are born to get to 115.  Hopefully 25 of that will be fairly quick after the birth and fluid goes away.

I have still been able to walk 3 miles several times a week.  This week has been pretty busy.  I need to get some walking in over this weekend.

I love you Baby Rose! I can't wait to meet you.