Sunday, January 7, 2018

Ethan 2 and 4 months & Rose 4 and 2 months


You have become very verbal.  You like to cuddle.  You waited for me for 45 minutes by the front window while I was at the library studying for my MBA class.  You are learning, and hearing me when I ask you to change.  You had been grabbing people’s personal space.  I kept putting you in time out, but it didn’t help.  I explained how it made Rose and I feel, and you finally stopped.  It did not happen this morning.   I was carrying you this morning, and as we turned off all of the lights you told me that you loved me and put your head on my shoulder, I told you I loved you too and gave you kiss on the cheek.  You are such a sweet little boy, when not being crazy.  We still need to work on you hitting when you get especially upset, but you are improving.


You have been very needy lately, and I struggle to be patient with you at times.  I have started verbally stating when I am frustrated, so that I don’t yell.  It’s interesting that you have started parenting Ethan, letting him know he should say that rather than hitting.  You do such a good job sharing with Ethan, and being kind to him.  I enjoy the times we spend together.  I can’t believe we will be visiting St. Mary’s soon to get ready for you to start preschool.  I remember vividly the fun times we had when you were little. You have always had the best laugh.

Love you both,


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Rose - almost 4


I can’t believe you’re turning four tomorrow.  I have such mixed emotions about this.  It seems like just yesterday that we brought you  home from the hospital.  Sometimes you can be so trying.  Perhaps it is because we are both so similar, so sensitive to slights.  I hope that you can overcome this.  It’s not good to be as easily bruised emotionally as I have been in life. 

You are such a precious sweet girl.  You never hit Ethan, even when he hits you and pulls your hair.  In fact, sometimes I wish you would defend yourself a bit more.  I worry that others will take advantage of your sweet nature.  I worry in general that this world is so dark and dangerous.  I pray so often that no one hurts you, your soul, or your person. 

You are becoming a bit more picky in your eating.  I am also this way, but it is frustrating that when I do cook that you often reject it.   You love TV.  You could literally spend days focused on the TV if we let you.  You also love the Children’s Museum and the Zoo.  We have had passes this year, and have gone often.

You are so curious and ask many questions.  You challenge us with things that we say, about being careful.

I worry that I have been too stressed and hard on you as you have grown up.  I hope you remember the times that we played and had dance parties, and not just the times that I rushed you to get ready for bed or up in the morning.

You are so precious to me little one.

Love you,


Sunday, February 5, 2017

3 years and 16 months


You told me today that I was your best friend.  That was so sweet.  I have been able to use that to get you to behave a bit lately :).  I will have to remember this when you don't appreciate me so much.  You are loving Peppa Pig.  We try to keep it to only watching on the weekends.  You started at St. James a few weeks ago when we moved into our new house.  Johnna the director, and other teachers, are so kind there.  You seem to like it.  You are so smart.  I complained that I could not find a hammer the other night to put up a nail, and you told me to use a screw instead so I could use papa's screw driver.  You are still a bit sensitive, and independent.  You like to have things done just the right way.  We try to give you choices so you feel like you have control when possible.  Your teachers always tell me how great you are, and that they never have problems with you.


You are a sweet boy most of the time.  You give great hugs.  You know how to say a few things like hi, bye, mama, dada, wow, mine, and no.  You have been quite healthy this winter so far.  You have only had antibiotics once after staying with Ummichi.  Your Qvar is working well to keep your lungs clear.  We had tried going down to the 40 mcg, but then you got some congestion.  You are about to start at St. James on Monday Feb 13th.  I'm so excited for you and Rose to be at the same place.  You have not ever been together at a care facility.  You have about eight teeth, four on top and four on bottom.  You like to eat meat, and whatever we are eating.  You still love Cheerios.


We are excited for Aunt Daisy to have her baby in March or April.  We are praying the baby grows well.  We have appreciated Ummichi being retired.  She often stays with us for a couple weeks at a time, especially when Papa is out of town.  

Thursday, December 15, 2016

3 years and 15 months

Rose and Ethan,

The days are long, but the years are short.  That saying really resonates with me right now.  You are both so great, but patience is definitely something I am working on.  I do feel so blessed to have you both.


You have spent a lot of time with your Ummichi since she retired.  We are so thankful she has been able to be with you when you are sick, when Papa is traveling, and recently since we started packing.  You can eat solid foods, but purees are still your favorite.  You have been walking since you were about 11 months old.  You love to climb EVERYTHING.  You're quite a monkey.  You are still a very happy guy.  It's quite easy to get you to sleep a night, and usually for naps.  You did not sleep through the night until you were about 1.  You still wake up at night sometimes, but you can usually make it to 5 or 6 am.  You have about six teeth.

Your health is much better now.  You had got some issues in your lungs around the first week of November.  We had tried to go down to 40 mcg of Qvar.  Going down in dosage did not seem to work well.  We went back up in dosage, and saw the Children's Pulmonary specialists again.  They agreed that we should do the higher dosage until we get through winter. We will try to do the lower dosage again at that point.

When you are not with Ummichi you have been going to Willow Tree.  It's a bit annoying to pay $32/day when you are not there.  But, we need to be able to take you there when Ummichi is needed in Lincoln.

Your favorite foods are meatballs, cheerios, and graham crackers.


You are definitely potty trained.  It has been that way for several months now.  You really never had any issues wetting the bed.  We did keep using pull ups to sleep for a bit after you were good during the day.  The ladies in the fox room really helped get you potty trained.  We have been trying to work through the fits that you have.  It seems like you need some time with me, and to have some choices so you feel like you have some control over things.  You have very strong opinions on what you want to wear, what cups to use, and just about everything! You are very sweet to Ethan most of the time though.  We had an issue at one point with you hitting and pushing him.  But, you have really gotten over that.  You do cry when he pulls your hair or does something, but you do not lash back at him.  You are a good big sister.  It's so fun to see you two play together.   You really want to be independent.  You get quite upset when you want to do something yourself, and we are in too much of a rush to let you do it. At the same time, you do still want to be a baby at times.  I know it is hard to share the attention.  You like to sit in Ethan's high chair sometimes, and to be carried.

You like to sing Christmas songs, and dance.  Your favorite thing to watch was Frozen around your birthday.  Lately it has been Peppa Pig.  You still like yogurt quite a bit.   You also like pears, peaches, bananas and cottage cheese.  It has gotten harder to get you to eat normal foods.  You will eat meat balls.

You have been at St. Luke's for about 1 year now.  You have gone through the Monkey room, the Fox room, and now the Owl Room with Mr. Andy.  Your friends seem to be Aliyah and Holly.

You can speak very well, but when you start to cry you lose the ability to articulate what is upsetting you.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Almost 11 months and 2.5

Dear Ethan and Rose,

We have had a busy summer so far.  I took an MBA class in July, so you spent quite a bit of time with Ummichi in Lincoln.

You started crawling in the normal style! You started out crawling by doing a worm style movement where you used your arms, legs and stomach.  You still cannot eat any solids.  When we try to throw up quite a bit.  You have had some great times for your breathing in the last few months.  A little bit of congestion and wheezing came back when you were in daycare for a few weeks.  So, we started Qvar.  The dose is a bit higher than I would like, but you will go down to a lower dose if they think it is helping.  We have an appointment later in August.  You got tubes put in on May 13th.  Your right ear keeps getting clogged.  We have been trying ear drops but can't seem to get it clear.

You are still quite a happy guy, even in the midst of teething.  You have one lower tooth that is mostly out.  Others on the bottom are trying to push through, and your two front teeth are trying to push through also. 


You are talking so much now! It’s great that you can tell us what is bothering you, and what makes you happy.  You were being funny last night saying “My name is NO!” and cracking yourself up.  You have been doing quite well with pull ups for awhile now and going potty.  Ms. Denae at St Luke’s really wants you to try underwear.  So, we will give it a try this weekend!  We just had all of your cousins in town last weekend.  I think it really motivated you that Tristan goes potty on his own.  You have enjoyed swimming in the pool this summer.  We have only gone to the park a few times, but I hope to go more in the next couple of weeks.

Love you both! 


Monday, May 30, 2016

Ethan 9 months - Rose 2.5 years

Dear Rose and Baby Ethan,

I’m sorry it’s been so long since I gave you an update! Life is definitely busy with the two of you.  I love you both so much.  You are so precious to me.  I am so blessed to have a lovely family with your hard working Papa.  Papa and I have been working on organizing and playing Monopoly lately.

Rose, you are talking up a storm these days.  You can still get frustrated and whine a bit when you can’t explain what you want.  But you can tell us the kind of foods you want, if something is hurting, and how you are feeling most of the time.  You have been so sweet to your little brother.  I know sharing is hard for you, but you do give him attention and have started calling him your Ethan.  We opened up our pool a few weeks ago.  You have enjoyed sitting on the ladder and kicking around. I hope you can get over any water issues you might have and enjoy swimming as the water gets warmer!

You are working on potty training.  We follow your lead.  When you ask to go potty, we take you.  You just moved into the “Fox” room at St. Luke’s a couple of weeks ago.  They try to go potty every hour.  The schedule has worked well getting you interested.  You also would love to start wearing your “Dora” underwear.

You had so much fun playing the piano when we were in Houston a few weeks ago.  Your Ummichi had bought Aunt Daisy a small keyboard in the 90s that still works.  You had fun playing with that this weekend.  We also  bought a play kitchen from my friend Sara recently.  You have so much fun making coffee, cooking spaghetti, and making other food for everyone.

You are a very sweet and sometimes serious little girl.  Your Papa helps keep things lightened up.  You love going to run errands with Papa.  You want to do everything yourself now.  I try to be patient with you.  You like to cuddle and get hugs.  You are so curious about what is happening around you.  You love to ask us what things are, and what we are doing.  Your Papa does a great job telling you what he is going.  He put together a little plant house you got from Menard's yesterday.

You have gotten a bit more picky lately.  You do not eat your Ummichi’s buttery chicken.  You love yogurt, naan, pita, hummus, spaghetti, hot dogs, and chicken nuggets.

I can’t believe you are almost 9 months old! You still do not sleep through the night.  You had been waking up around 10 and 2.  Now, I try to feed you before I go to bed.  Then you wake up again.  For example, the last few nights I fed you at 10 or 11, and you woke up again around 4 or 5.
You had tubes put in on May 13th.  There has not been a dramatic difference.  But, I do hope this avoids some antibiotic use

You do have intermittent asthma.  We have tried several rounds of budesonide (an oral steroid).  Sometimes it helps.  But, for the  last week we have been doing it twice a day.  It has helped some.  But, you still have quite a bit of congestion and coughing.  I believe you also have seasonal allergies.  We give you Zyrtec at night now most often.  The Allergist Dr. Shakir says we can stop that if it doesn’t help.  I do think it helps cut down on the clear drainage

You have definitely been slower to develop than Rose and Anna.  But, you definitely get there eventually.  You are sitting up very well now.  We try to keep a pillow or blanket around you because you still fall backwards sometimes though.  You can turn when on your tummy, and scoot backwards.  No forward progress yet though.  You still need to figure out how to pull your legs under you.  You are getting stronger though.  You started to do “plank” this weekend.  You can pick up small blocks with one or both hands.  You just started enjoying the jungle bouncer.  You do not bounce as much as Rose and Anna, but you enjoy turning around and bouncing a bit. You may like it more as you get taller.

You take your time, but you do like to eat.  We do puree 3 – 4 times a day. If you do not like something we can usually just mix it with something else and you will eat it.  We still do bottles several times a day too.  You have a very strong gag reflex, so I am not sure when we will transition to finger food.  I let you have fun playing with puree over the weekend.  I didn’t see you trying to feed yourself at all.  I know you will get there eventually though.


I cannot believe what a smiley and sweet boy you are.  You have a little tooth coming in on the bottom in the middle.  You have not been extra fussy at all.  The only times you get a bit fussy are when you are hungry or need a nap.  I am amazed at how smiley you have always been, even when you had ear infections all of the time.  Doctors would ask if you were extra fussy, and I had to say NO.  But you still had an ear infection ;(.  I pray those issues are resolved now that you have tubes though.

Dear Jesus, please heal our baby Ethan's remaining breathing issues.  We are so thankful that Rose has been so healthy, and has only been dealing with a bit of allergy drainage.  Please be with them both, and help them to be wonderful people that make it into heaven.  Please help me to be patient and a loving wife and mother.  Thank you for all of the blessings in my life.

