Sunday, January 25, 2015

New baby bird

I normally write letters to baby Rose.  However, it looks like we may be blessed with another cutie around September 30th! We are so excited for you cutie! I hope that we can handle you and your sister Rose.  I'm sure God would not have blessed with the two of you if we couldn't handle it.  We got our first faint positive on 1-22-2015.  I wanted to share the news with everyone.  Around April 10th we should be able to tell more people about you.

We are praying hard you are healthy and safe.

Love you,


We fit

Dear Baby Rose,

If all goes well in about about 8 months you will have a new sibling. in thinking about bringing a little baby into this world, it makes me reflect on how we fit right now. You love to be cuddled. And any time that I'm able to, I try to hold you. Just like in these pictures. We fit so well. But, I know we can make room for new for a new little sister or brother. I'm excited for the sister I know you will be. Because I will tell you all the time to be kind and loving to your siblings. They can be your best friend, and I understand you and our family like no one else can. I hope that you and your sibling are able to find a friendship and companionship that I have always longed for. Your auntie Daisy and Bin are very close, but not quite the same.

Love you,


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

14 months

Dear Baby Rose,

I can't believe that you're 14 months old! You are such a sweet little girl.  You have your times every day that you want to be held, and I need to do other things.  But, I try to take time to just hold you each day.  I so appreciate your sweet little hugs where you wrap your arms around my neck and lay your head on my shoulder.

being held, bread, meat, bananas, yogurt, peaches, pears, our dog pistol (you think she's hilarious).  You will usually eat beans.

Kiwis - I have been trying to feed you more with your asthma.  You are so-so on vegetables (green beans, corn, etc.  Sometimes you will eat them, and other times you throw them on the floor.

We do your steroid breathing treatment every day still.  The last indication from the doctor was that we should do it twice a day until your cough is gone.  Each time your cough is quite gone and we just do it once a day for a bit, a little cough comes back.  It is very cold here right now, so that may be part of it.  We do have a humidifier in your room now that we use every night.  That does seem to help.

You can say momma, and dadda quite clearly.  Everything else doesn't quite  make sense yet.  It sounds like you are saying nana and ba ba also.  You are quite close to walking.  You took small steps for a foot or two with me over the weekend.  You dance to most any kind of music.  It is so adorable.  You shake your butt from side to side.  It was quite a trip, but I think we are off of bottles now.  We tried prior to our trip to Ireland, and ended up going

We took possession of our Shamrock house in Omaha December 8th.  We have been living there most of the time since then.  We still have our house in Eagle, and have been trying to move all of our things out of there.  We are hoping that a buyer will be interest in the next few months.  We still have the condo.  Your dad has been working hard to finish all of the tiling there so that we can rent it out.  The Shamrock house is smaller than our Eagle one, but it is quite a bit easier to take care of.  I think we will have a great time in the pool this summer, though we will have to be careful to be sure you are safe!

This is your daddy's favorite picture of you lately.  He calls it your Mulan picture.