Dear Baby Ethan,
We made it to 33 weeks today! After reading a bit about how things would likely go for you if you are born this week, it is quite encouraging that you are getting stronger and bigger. You might even be able to breathe on your own.
My IV leaked a bit tonight when they flushed it. So, I will have to get a new one. I have not been a huge fan of this location anyway. This IV made it almost 10 days, I got it on the 7th.
Today was also your daddy and I's 6th anniversary! It has been a great 6 six years. I cannot believe it has been that long. Your daddy is such a good man. I appreciate how hard he has been working to keep things together at home and take care of Rose while I have been here. He is such a calm guy who can handle difficulties with ease. He also keep things fun by always finding the silly things in life to appreciate.
Unfortunately he was quite busy today. We are getting siding put on our house right now. The siding company had taken off our shutters, and he was going to paint them. He determined it would take quite awhile to paint them, so he decided to just buy new black ones because they are quite affordable. But, he also was finishing up our condo that is being rented out. So he did not make it to the hospital until 8:30 :(. We enjoyed the time that we did have though.
We had some fancy Chipolte to celebrate our anniversary. Your daddy's was as big as his head!

So far we have spent 31 days in the hospital. I'm so excited that we are on the home stretch, less than a month until we meet you!
Upcoming Events.
Your Ummichi, Uppuchen, and Auntie Dainy will be here Friday August 21st for baby Anna Beth's baptism. Your Ummichi will be here for a bit to help take care of Anna and Rose. That is just 4 days from today, when you will be almost 34 weeks along and in even better shape to be born.
We will likely get to see how your growth is going on August 31st, and potentially sooner to see if the placenta is still in the way. I am going to ask this week if we can do a growth scan on Monday the 24th to be sure your growth is going well.
Your birthday will likely be September 8th! Just 26 days!
Love you,
Upcoming Events.
Your Ummichi, Uppuchen, and Auntie Dainy will be here Friday August 21st for baby Anna Beth's baptism. Your Ummichi will be here for a bit to help take care of Anna and Rose. That is just 4 days from today, when you will be almost 34 weeks along and in even better shape to be born.
We will likely get to see how your growth is going on August 31st, and potentially sooner to see if the placenta is still in the way. I am going to ask this week if we can do a growth scan on Monday the 24th to be sure your growth is going well.
Your birthday will likely be September 8th! Just 26 days!
Love you,
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