Dear Baby Ethan,
We have had a quiet few days. Thank the Lord, we have not had any bleeding issues since last Tuesday.
It's hump day! Only three more work days after this. I'm looking forward to getting to focus on you for awhile starting on Tuesday!
I met with one of the lactation nurses today as well as the nutritionist. Apparently you will be fed every three hours. I will be set up with a pumping kit to use in the hospital. There will be some small vials that I am supposed to put my colostrum in. I will be trying hand expression I'm sure to get that out. If you are stable and going well, we can try feeding at the breast.
I had a rough evening after your daddy and Rose left. My IV looked a bit nasty so they took it out. They poked me FOUR times before they got a working one. It ended up taking several hours because the nurses had to leave and take care of other things. It's on the sensitive under side of my arm. Sleeping was rough trying not touch it. I'm hoping it calms down over the next couple days. I had that IV from the 16th of August through the 26th, so just 10 days. I am praying this last one will work
I do not want you to have to deal with being poked and prodded at the hospital. I am feeling a bit guilty about delivering you next week given that we have not had any issues for the last week + now.
So far we have spent 42 days in the hospital. I'm so excited that we are on the home stretch, just 8 days until we meet you! I am praying you stay in me that long, so you can be healthy and strong. Dear Lord, please help Ethan's lungs, digestive tract, GI tract, bowels, eyes, ears, and all systems to be in great working order. Please help him to not have asthma and help pumping and breast feeding to go well. Saint Blaise, Saint Rose of Lima, Saint Antony please pray for my baby Ethan that he would stay inside until September 1st.
Thank you Lord that we have made it this far, we made it to 34 weeks! Please be with my baby Ethan and help him to be strong and healthy. Please help him to be able to go home with us on Friday September 4th. I know he will have to be in the NICU for at least two days for monitoring. Please help all of us to get able to go to church together on September 6th.
Your birthday will likely be September 1st! Just 7 days!
Love you,
We have had a quiet few days. Thank the Lord, we have not had any bleeding issues since last Tuesday.
It's hump day! Only three more work days after this. I'm looking forward to getting to focus on you for awhile starting on Tuesday!
I met with one of the lactation nurses today as well as the nutritionist. Apparently you will be fed every three hours. I will be set up with a pumping kit to use in the hospital. There will be some small vials that I am supposed to put my colostrum in. I will be trying hand expression I'm sure to get that out. If you are stable and going well, we can try feeding at the breast.
I found out you will likely have at least two bottles a day of Similac NeoSure for at least a month or two. I have to call our insurance company tomorrow to find out how that works for us to buy it with the help of insurance.
The nutritionist indicated I would need to take DHA supplements (fish oil), because you will being born early. You will be missing out on time in utero to develop your brain. So you need a bit more DHA than most babies.
Your daddy and Rose came by for a bit. We had some dinner and went outside.

The nutritionist indicated I would need to take DHA supplements (fish oil), because you will being born early. You will be missing out on time in utero to develop your brain. So you need a bit more DHA than most babies.
Your daddy and Rose came by for a bit. We had some dinner and went outside.

I had a rough evening after your daddy and Rose left. My IV looked a bit nasty so they took it out. They poked me FOUR times before they got a working one. It ended up taking several hours because the nurses had to leave and take care of other things. It's on the sensitive under side of my arm. Sleeping was rough trying not touch it. I'm hoping it calms down over the next couple days. I had that IV from the 16th of August through the 26th, so just 10 days. I am praying this last one will work
I do not want you to have to deal with being poked and prodded at the hospital. I am feeling a bit guilty about delivering you next week given that we have not had any issues for the last week + now.
So far we have spent 42 days in the hospital. I'm so excited that we are on the home stretch, just 8 days until we meet you! I am praying you stay in me that long, so you can be healthy and strong. Dear Lord, please help Ethan's lungs, digestive tract, GI tract, bowels, eyes, ears, and all systems to be in great working order. Please help him to not have asthma and help pumping and breast feeding to go well. Saint Blaise, Saint Rose of Lima, Saint Antony please pray for my baby Ethan that he would stay inside until September 1st.
Thank you Lord that we have made it this far, we made it to 34 weeks! Please be with my baby Ethan and help him to be strong and healthy. Please help him to be able to go home with us on Friday September 4th. I know he will have to be in the NICU for at least two days for monitoring. Please help all of us to get able to go to church together on September 6th.
Your birthday will likely be September 1st! Just 7 days!
Love you,
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